XXV. The Lost Value of the Phantoms

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I think I made a record. It didn't take me weeks to upload. *throws confetti* I mean, for this story...i don't know about the others .......... lol

So here ya go my padawans. <3



Stubborn Hearts:

XXV.     The Lost Value of the Phantoms


I failed.

I failed in protecting someone. 

Now they were in the enemy’s hands possibly being beaten to death for information on me. The image of Amanda hanging from the ceiling as Tony’s men tortured her and his Hellcat grinning like a maniac as she drags a hot iron down her delicate skin. Rage filled inside of me as I threw the paperwork on my desk to the floor. A clatter of papers, shattered glass, and a telephone were scattered around but I had no care. I had no care at all not when guilt was eating me inside. 

Maybe Danni was right. 

Maybe I only brought more casualties. Maybe I’ll bring this gang crumbling to the ground if I continue leading it.

I closed my eyes, hearing Damien’s voice in my mind from earlier.

“Are you certain it was her that was kidnapped?” I asked him, narrowing my eyes on his shaken form.

I never seen Damien so frightened. He was a composed man like Louie but he was more of an extrovert than Louie who kept to himself. His hazel eyes were wide with the unmistaken fear of what could be happening to Amanda. I always knew he had a liking to Amanda. I mean, who wouldn’t? Amanda Langston was a kind-hearted girl who’s smile was overly contagious and those ocean blue eyes showed her innocence. She was not one to hold a grudge and to have someone like her around us, it seemed to change us.

Damien, Louie, and I were mostly guarded and surrounded ourselves with the wrong type of people and released our anger in fights or nightly drives in the Vendetta territories. Our pasts consisted of blood, gunfights, and drugs. With Amanda seeping through our skins, we hadn’t planned a patrol that would end up in dead bodies on the floor and our guns being half used.

“The news told me everything, Helena.”

“The news?” I arched an eyebrow at him as he nodded, getting the TV remote and turning on the flat screen that hung on the wall over the wooden mantel.

He switched the channel to the local news and I saw the anchorman with a solemn face as he spoke about the latest news. 

“Turn it up, Damien,” I told him and listened attentively to the man.

“Police and fellow citizens are helping the family in searching for their daughter who was last seen leaving to a party. The parents of the seventeen year old are distraught for their daughter and asking for everyone to help them find their daughter. The mother recently spoke to our reporter about the night her daughter was due to be back home of hearing screaming in the middle of the night. Police are asking anyone who has any idea of the disappearance of Amanda Langston to call this number. Let’s help the Langston family bring their daughter back home safely to them…”

“Was there no one escorting her back to her house?” The Eagle asked, a tremor in his voice hid the anger that was clearly shown in his eyes.

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