XXII. The Dark Side of Boston: Part One

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Sorry for the wait, I know I said I was going to upload on Tuesday but I knocked out when I got home and yesterday I couldn't use the laptop since my sister was using it so HERE YA GO!

The song to the right is sung by Sam in the chapter just so ya know

Thank you for the support and keep being yourselves, my padawans!

*WARNING* GRAPHIC SCENE IN THE BEGINNING, IF YOU WANT TO SKIP IT GO TO WHERE THE *** ARE AT. If you're cool with people getting torture that is mildly detailed then go ahead and read it but I warned ya



Stubborn Hearts:

XXII.       The Dark Side of Boston: Part One


“He won‘t stop screaming and it‘s getting annoying.”

I cocked an eyebrow at Louie who remained nonchalant as he stood in front of my desk with his arms behind his back. He was in a respective stance that all Guerrillas knew by heart when a higher rank is in their presence. As much as I told him to not stand like that since I saw him as a friend than an Overseer of the Guerrillas, he refused to listen to me. 

I sighed, “Has he cooperated?”

“No. He refused to say anything to us. I think he deserves your presence,” a twitch of a smile graced his lips before disappearing as soon as it appeared.

I glanced at the time in the computer. It was 5:43 pm and Damien’s little party starts at seven. “I don’t have much time to waste. I still have to pick up Amanda.”

I stood up and left the office with Louie tailing behind me. We were in one of the manufacturing buildings we owned where we had employees making furniture. It was one of the light-working workplace we had and the only place where drugs and weaponry weren’t distributed. It was also a place that had an underground basement where we brought our enemies in for questioning and torture and right now, the little scum rather have his lips sealed than explain to us why he was caught following Amanda and her mother throughout the shopping plaza. 

I walked down the stairs, looking around at the workers as they waved at me before going back to work. The women sewing the fabric would sometimes bring me food when I spend my time here during breaks and not at home. At first when the Eagle announced that I was their new manager, they were all shocked to see a young girl like me managing them but they had all warmed up to me later on. I let Louie lead me to the elevator that led us to the basement. 

“Any sightings of Rhea?” I asked him, not noticing the file he was reading in his hands until now. 

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye before proceeded to read on. “None at all.”

“Strange,” I mused, taking out a cigarette from the pack before shoving it in my back pocket. I slipped the cigarette between my lips and fished out my lighter. “Anymore news you need to tell me?” I asked Louie as I lit my cigarette.

“Rumors are going around saying that Tony put fifty thousand dollars to retrieve Amanda Langston to him.”

I was inhaling when he told me that and ended up coughing. Louie narrowed his eyes on me before slapping my back. “We need to know if the rumor is true,” I told him after my whole coughing fit.

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