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Dan rolls over in his bed and stretches his arm out his hand landing on Phil's chest. Dan smiles into the pillow and rolls closer to Phil. His chest is bare and white sheets cover his legs. Dan traces his fingers over his chest feeling the warmth radiating from his body.

Phil opens his eyes and looks down at Dan with a smile. He laughs a bit, Dan feels every movement. Phil sets a soft kiss on Dan's head. Dan moves so he is above Phil and plants soft kisses on his neck. Dan traces his neck and moves his way up to his jaw bone. Phil grabs Dan by the shoulders and rolls over so he is on top of him. Dan giggles as Phil takes control kissing him passionately.

After a little while longer kissing in bed Phil gets up and goes into their kitchen. They live in a small cabin nestled in the woods with a nearby lake. Dan stands up and walks onto their porch surveying the lake below them. Birds chirp in the distance and a rabbit runs through their path. Phil walks out setting something down on the table behind them and grabs Dan by the waist. He leans his head on Dan's shoulders as they look over at the glistening water.

"I love you." Phil mumbles into Dan's ear sending warmth throughout his body.

"I love you too." Dan smiles feeling very lucky to be standing here with Phil.

"I brought you a muffin." Phil says.

"I love you even more." Dan says and Phil laughs. Dan pulls away from Phil and picks up the muffin sitting down on their bench. Phil follows and sits next to him. They lean against each other and all Dan can feel is love. Real, pure love that you read about in novels. Phil giggles and reaches up to Dan's face rubbing his lip.

"You had a a crumb." Phil says with a small smile.

"Thanks." Dan looks up at Phil starring at his beautiful features.

They walked hand in hand down to the lake. Phil said he forgot something and ran back up to the house Dan just laughed and sat down on the dock. He dipped his feet in the warm water enjoying the waves that splashed his legs. He closed his eyes and let the sun beam down onto him. He felt the warmth on his face and he sighed. Life was being very kind to him at the moment.

Dan heard Phil's thumping on the dock and stood up, "Towels." He said and threw them on the foot of the dock.

"Why? We're not going swim- no. No, no, no Phil." Dan put his hands up defensively and looked around for an escape. He was stuck. Phil smiled and started walking towards Dan. Dan laughed nervously, "Please, no!"

"Too late, Dan!" Phil smiled sweetly and lunged at Dan. They wrestled for a moment. Dan was determined to win until Phil touched his neck and made Dan fall backwards into the water. He hit the water and sunk down for a minute. When he popped up he knew his hair was a mess. The warm water felt nice and the waves hit him gently. Dan wadded towards the dock.

Dan reached his hand up, "Come on, let me up."

"Fine." Phil said still in a mist of laughter. Dan took his hand and pulled him into the water. Phil screamed and sent a ton of water to spray out over Dan. Now Dan was laughing as Phil popped out from the water his hair over his face.

"You're gonna pay!" Phil said swimming towards Dan. Dan tried to swim away laughing as Phil neared him. With one yank of his foot Phil pulled Dan close to him and dunked him under the water. Dan was soon let go and as he got up for breath he splashed Phil. Phil cussed under his breath and sent water at Dan.

Dan laughed and Phil joined in he held is hand out and Dan took it. Phil pulled Dan in close. Dan smiled as the two's bodies intertwined under the water. Dan placed his hand on Phil's neck and just as Phil leaned in for a kiss Dan dunked him under the water.

He came up to the surface looking unamused, "You can't tempt me with kisses, that's unfair!" Phil crossed his arms looking disappointed.

"You started it!" Dan said still laughing at the pouting sight of Phil.

"I know, i'm sorry." Phil swam over to Dan lifting his hand out of the water, "Truce?"

"Sure." Dan said rolling his eyes and pinky swore a truce. They did actually kiss this time without Dan pranking Phil. They swam out of the water and dried off with the towels and sat at the edge of the lake on a rock.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Phil." Dan said pulling him closer feeling his warmth on his cold body.

"You're too cute." Phil giggled turning his head to look at Dan his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

"Shut up." Dan playfully shoved Phil.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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