Quickened Breaths Craving Hands and Fluttered Heartbeats

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Phil stood in the doorway his bags dropping from his hands as he saw his limp flatmate on the floor.  A bottle was grasped in his sleeping fingers a small trickle of drool pooling onto the floor mixing with the dark alcohol.  He knew that Dan got bad when he left but he didn't know it was this bad.  

Phil thought he'd surprise him with coming home early but it looks as if Dan beat him to it.  This is a major surprise.  Shaking his head he walked up to his friend and shook his shoulders gently.

A whimper escaped his mouth as he inched onto his side dropping the bottle in the process.  Phil scrunched his nose up at the stench.  He threw the bottle to the side and crawled to Dan.

With his most comforting breath Phil muttered, "Dan?" He moaned, an arm being placed over his head to block out the intruder, "come on Dan, i'm home."

He stirred slightly blinking his glazed eyes a few times.  Placing a warm hand on his friends leg he managed to flip him back over gently onto his side, "what?" Dan coughed.

"It's Phil, i'm home."  He smiled as Dan took in a steady breath and opened his eyes fully.  Phil felt more at home looking into his familiar brown eyes than he did entering the seemingly empty flat. 

Dan sat up quickly his hair in its natural form; ringlets that cascaded around his head like a sea of brown, "wha- what you're not supposed to be here for another day or two."  His voice was hoarse as if he hadn't used it in a while.

"I know but I came home early, I wanted to surprise you."  Phil said crossing his legs as Dan tried to rub away the obvious lack of sleep that clung to his face.


"About what?"  Phil leaned in a bit closer.

"About this. I'm a mess.  I'm sorry."  Dans eyes began to fill with tears.

"No, no, no, everything is fine."  Phil assured moving in closer to his friend, placing an arm around his shoulder, squeezing for comfort.

"It isn't."  Dan said in an angry tone, "I just get so bad when you're not around.  I know I promised you that'd I try to stop bingeing but I couldn't."

"Dan, stop. It's okay.  All that matters now is that i'm here with you."   Phil smiled as Dan placed his head onto Phil's chest quick breaths being drawn from the younger boy.

He let out a small cry, "I can't live without you.  Even those few days you were gone.  Something about you Phil- it- it- it just feels right. "  He took in a shaky breath, "I'm sorry for the drinking but sometimes its better to feel that numb than the pain."

Phil stayed silent as his friend continued on,

"I never want you to leave me again."

"I won't."  Phil stroked Dans hair as he cried onto his chest, "We're best friends of course I won't."

Dan shot up from off the ground and stood towering over Phil, "Stop with that. I don't want you to say that." Dan paced the apartment as the tears rushed down his face even more heavily now.

"Say what? What did I do?"  Phil stood up slowly watching Dan walk back and forth.  Back and forth, back and forth, his footsteps filling their home as his eyes shifted back and forth mowing over his options on what to say. Phil watched closely, holding his breath worried about what this was all about.

"I don't want  to just be friends. You're an idiot if you can't see what we have.  You're my god damn everything.  I wake up and think of you, you cloud my thoughts and I swear to god if you call me just a friend one more time I will explode.  You see how I am without you!" 

Phil stood there in shock not knowing what to do or say, he just froze, watching his best friend's tears fall down onto his shirt, leaving marks of where the water soaked into the cloth.

"If you don't say anything i'm going to end up looking dumb, Phil ple-"

Phil shoved Dan up against the wall pressing his lips hard against his.  He was obviously surprised at first but then melted into the kiss.  Dans breath tasted like booze and cigarettes but Phil didn't mind.  His lips were soft and experienced, making their way over Phil's.  Pushing his chest against Dans Phil felt the younger boys heartbeat.  Phil brushed his hands over Dans broad shoulders feeling his collar bones that jutted out so harshly.  Their breathes were gasps as they pulled away for a second but soon found each others grasp once again.  Phil felt his mind thaw from the previously cold conversation, warmth pooling over his body like melted snow. 

Quickened breaths, craving hands and fluttered heartbeats.

Phil trailed down Dans neck his hot breath brushing against soft skin.  Dan sighed as Phil grazed his lips against him.  He kissed Dan hard leaving large purple and red marks sure to be easily spotted in the morning.  Pushing his hands under his shirt Phil ran his fingers along Dans chest his eyes half lidded with pleasure.

"Ph- Phil. We have to stop." Dan gasped.

Pulling away fast Phil felt a wave of regret hit him, "What? What did I do? I'm sorry."

"You did nothing."  Dan assured as his eyebrows pulled into a worried expression, "I didn't mean to lead you on like that. Let's take it a bit slower."

Phil nodded as Dan spoke eyeing up his new bright marks on his pale skin, "Of course." 

Dan smiled his eyes still a bit hazy from his unexpected wake.  Phil pulled him into a hug and rubbed circles over his back.  He was familiar and safe and Phil wanted to hold him forever.

AN: I know I have been gone forever but I was on vacation and then I took another week off to get back into the swing of things and then I didn't even realize that it's been a whole month since I uploaded.  BUT NOW I AM BACK.


Anyway, this is just a short thingy thing to get me back into the mood of writing so I hope ya'll enjoy.

I know it's generic and kinda the same as my other one shots but I WILL POST A COOL ONE NEXT I HAVE TONS OF IDEAS I JUST NEEDED TO GET BACK INTO WRITING.



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