couple things

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AN: NOT SMUT.  FUCKING BE PROUD OF ME. I bet when you saw the AN at the top you were expecting it to be.  Nah.  GOt yoUs good. 

Anyway, sorry.  This is just a bit of fluff with no plot line.  Have fun. 

Light flickered through the pine trees as Phil held up a branch.  Dan smiled at him as a thank you and slipped through the small area.  Following suit Phil bounded towards him grabbing his hand once again.  Dan sighed lovingly and leaned into him.  He did that a lot.  Phil loved it if he was being completely honest.  The feeling of Dan's shoulder against his own, his warmth mixing with Phil's.  The path was littered with pebbles, small green plants appearing once in a while breaking through the rocky layer. 

Although the sun was hidden from the trees the air was warm.  He praised the days when it was warm so that Dan would wear short sleeves.  It was dumb, Phil knows, but it was true.  He loved seeing more of Dan's skin, the light would hit it in such a beautiful way.  He really wasn't that pale, especially in the summer.  He had naturally darker features which Phil adored. 

Birds sang as they made their way through the forest and Phil was at peace.  The path began to show signs of ending and he felt himself picking up the speed.  Dan stayed by his side until they finally made their way to the clearing.  Phil, being the clumsy person he was, took a wrong step just as they entered the valley and fell to the ground, Dan still holding onto his hand. 

Dan's eyes widened as they hit the ground, his body practically on top of Phils.  Laughing Dan pushed himself off so that he was laying next to him.

"You're literally a walking hazard," Dan smiled as he pushed closer to Phil, one of his hands resting on his chest. 

"I know, " Phil mumbled looking up at the moving clouds in the sky.  

"I love it."  Dan traced shapes onto Phil's chest lazily.

"I know,"  Phil smiled causing Dan to look up with complete love in his eyes.  Phil remembers when they first met and how Dan was terrified of him.  Well, Phil learned years later that it was just Dan's way of caring and that translated into fear.  2012 was a hard year for them both.  Phil would get mad at Dan for not opening up and Dan would get mad at Phil for not being able to understand.  And it was a vicious cycle of Phil feeling bad about himself because Dan would stay distant and Dan trying to open up after years of seclusion. 

Moments like this make Phil realize how lucky they are to be happy again.  And how many people are unable to get past that point of misunderstanding.

"Can I tell you something?"  Dan asked in a whisper.

"Of course."  Phil ran a hand through his boyfriend's hair.

"I've been thinking a lot about us and how-" He paused and sat up. 

"Yeah?" Phil also propped himself up.   Dan's eyes darted around, unable to look at Phil.  

"I was thinking that maybe we could come out as a couple?"  He paused for Phil's reaction.  Since he was caught off guard Phil wasn't able to really react, "I mean only if you want to.  I'm just sick of hiding it all the time and having to hold back from holding your hand in public and-"

Phil interrupted his rambling by grabbing his wrist and pulling him into a kiss.  Dan relaxed under his touch and kissed back.  Phil moved his hands to Dans back and laid them back onto the soft grass.  His breath still tasted like the coffee he had a little while ago and his lips were soft.  Pulling away Phil looked at Dan deeply, "Of course." 

"Really?"  Dan looked surprised.  Really, the only reason they have kept it a secret for so long is because they didn't know when to say it.  When they first met they weren't careful at all with their relationship but as their channels began to grow they decided to hold off on telling anyone.  It was new, especially for Dan who had never dated a guy before.  They held it off because it didn't seem that serious.  Then when they began to fight they really didn't want anyone to know.  How would people react if they found out they broke up?  It was a scary thought and Phil didn't even want to think about anything besides fixing their relationship.  By then they were too popular to pull a crazy stunt like admitting they were a couple.  It's stupid but Phil just couldn't risk the drama.  But now, they've slowed down.  They just finished the American tour and were officially done with tatinof.  Their channels are still growing but at a much slower rate.  It is the perfect time to wade into the whole coming out.

"Of course,"  Phil grinned and placed one more small kiss on Dan's forehead.

AN: this had like zero smut, aren't you proud.  it was just fluff and a dumb plot line.  

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