Pastels and Piercings Part: 2

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Dan sat in the library the next day hopping he would catch a glimpse of the pastel boy. He bounced his pencil against the desk looking at the door. Dan sighed and threw his head back staring up at the ceiling.  He never realized it but it was covered in small detailed flowers.  Dan smiled at the view of purple, green and pink.  The colors reminded him of the boy he was waiting for.

Maybe he is never coming back?

Dan shook his head to try and rid the thought but it kept coming up and haunting him.  Dan wanted to see the boy so bad he almost asked the librarian who he was.  He realized that was a stupid idea, it was obvious the lady hated him.  She gave him a cold look when Dan slammed the front of his chair against the floor.  He was taking on it, probably not the best idea.

"Sorry."  Dan managed to choke out through his layers of embarrassment.

She rolled her eyes and readjusted her cat-eyed glasses.  Dan smiled a bit trying to come across happy.  Dan got up and went over the the DVDs looking through the sets.  He wondered what the pastel boy was looking at.  Maybe he checked out a cartoon? Dan thought Bambi was up his alley, or Aristocats, something soft like him.  Or did he decide to get anime?  The thought of the boy curled up watching Sword Art Online made Dan fuzzy. 

God, he was such a dork.

Dan leaned against the book shelf and sighed.  He just wanted to see the boy once more.  Why couldn't just come back? Dan longingly looks out the window imagining the boy's silhouette.  Closing his eyes Dan heard the soft sound of rain against the window.

"Uh miss?"  Dan worked up the courage and whispered to the librarian who whipped her head up.

"What?" She said in almost a hiss.

"Do you remember that boy who came here yesterday?"  Dan asked rocking nervously on the balls of his feet.

"I get many people through here."  She pushed a white strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh."  Dan huffed, "sorry, but he was dressed in pastel and he was really tall and had black hair. Also he had really nice blue eyes-"

"Ah, him."  The lady nodded, "why so curious about him?"

"No reason, I was just- I wanted to- he seemed interesting."  Dan spluttered.

The lady frowned, "What do you want me to tell you about him?"

"Just his name please."  Dan asked.

"Why should I tell you?"  She nosed.

Dan frowned, "I'm sorry. I'm just curious."

"I bet you are."  She snorts, " with all those tattoos and such I bet you are planning something bad. He is a nice young lad." 

Dan rested a hand on his inked arm, "I'm really not."

"He comes in here quite a lot.  I don't want him following your unfortunate foot steps."

"I would just like a name."  Dan sighed.

"It's Phillip." She snaps, "Goes by Phil and is one of the nicest people I have had the privilege of meeting."


Dan tries the name out in his head and imagines the boy once again but this time, he isn't a boy. He is Phil.

"Thank you very much." Dan smiles and the lady rolls her eyes.

"Don't do something stupid, boy." 

Dan smiled and nodded, and looked down at the ground. He heard a ding from where he was standing and turned around on the balls of his feet. There stood the boy Dan has been dreaming of, Phil.  He was just as beautiful as the day before but now he sported a short sleeved light blue top and white shorts.  Again, his dark hair was tangled in a flower crown.

Dan felt odd staring but couldn't help it.  The boy placed his CD from yesterday in a cart and walked towards Dan. Embarrassed, Dan looked down at the CD rack pretending to sift through the selections.

Dan felt Phil's presence and caught a whiff of his smell.  It was like rainy daisies, if that made any sense. Dan felt like that was the only way to describe it.

Looking up for a split second Dan saw the boy smiling at him.  Dan raised his eyebrows in surprised and ducked his head down again his cheeks burning. 

"My name is Phil."  He stated in a slight northern accent.  Dans hairs stood on end as his voice carried over him. 

"Dan."  Is all he could muster.

"I like your tattoo."  Phil whispered and to Dans surprise, touched his arm.  Jumping back a bit from the sudden heat on his forearm.  Looking up to where Phil pointed Dan saw he liked his Origin Of Symmetry ink.

"Thanks."  Dan smiled as the boys cool eyes meet his own.

"I actually like all of your tattoos."  Phil smiled without his teeth sending his cheeks up to squint over his eyes slightly.

"I like your flower crown."  Dan pointed to his hair.

Phil grazed his accessory with gentle fingers and smiled again, "Did I see you here yesterday?" 

"Yeah."  Dan breathed, "I was really terrified I was never going to see you again."  As soon as the words were spoken, Dan knew it probably wasn't the best thing to say.

Phil blushed a bit, "That's sweet.  I remember thinking you looked too cool for me."

Dan laughed in disbelief, "No way did you think I was too cool."

"Well, with your hair and ink."  Phil chuckled.

Dan shook his head, "Well, you can see that I'm not at all."

"Yes I can."  Phil nodded, "so what are you doing here anyway? Like what are you looking for."

"I was applying for jobs yesterday but today I'm just looking."  Dan confessed.

"Ah, any idea of what you're looking for, I used to work here and I know Frannie quite well."

"Is that her name?"  Dan asked looking up at the freckles on Phil's nose.

"Yeah, she seems cranky but is the nicest lady."

"Oh."  Dan said his mouth slightly open," what are you here for?"

"I was just looking for another film." Phil looks over at the shelf.

"What did you get last time?"  Dan asked.

"Uh," Phil takes a moment," Coraline. Sorry, couldn't think of the name."

"Have you ever watched anime?"  Dan felt bold enough for some reason to ask a silly question.

"Not for a while, I used to kinda watch a bit when I was in school."  Phil said, "why?"

"Because I am curious.  Plus, they have Sword Art Online here,"Dan said pulling out the small box set.

"Oh, no, I haven't heard of that one."  Phil said.

"You have to watch it, it's amazing."  Dan said shoving the CDs into Phil's hands.

"Okay."  Phil smiled and turned around only to spin back towards Dan.  In a silent voice he muttered, "Do you maybe want to come over and watch it with me?"

Dan smiled and nodded as he followed Phil up to the check out area.  Frannie smiled at Phil and gave Dan the cold shoulder.  Ignoring her rudeness Dan felt his stomach flip. A cute boy asked him to his house.  How amazing is that?

Only taking a few seconds, Phil finished and led Dan out to doorway.

"Thanks."  Dan smiled up at the taller boy.

He laughed, "For what?" 

"For being so nice to me."  Dan said, it's been a while sense someone treating him with the respect Phil had.

"Well, when a cute boy talks to you at s library, you can't just be mean to him."

An: I might have a part 3? Idk, school is taking a lot outta me but last week was especially hard bc of homecoming stuff. I hope to post more now ! And I really want to thank yall who have stuck around through my infrequent habits.  Love you all to bits.

Fyi - tabinof is out in 6 days (for the U.S) :))))

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