Pastels and Piercings Part: 1

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Dan leaned over on his chair biting his lip in concentration.  He sat at the end of a large parlor at a book store, the last place you would imagine someone like him, with his sleeves of tattoos and dark blue highlighted hair. He thinks the lady at the counter gaged at the sight of his nose ring.  Dan laughed it off and focused on the task at hand.  He was looking for a job, and fliers littered the library.  Dan had worked at a nearby mall until he quit.  It just didn't seem like he wanted to work there, he didn't want folding shirts to be his career.  So now he sat in a small corner of the library looking at his resumé.

Dan fixed his mop of hair by looking at his phone camera.  He tried to fluff it up a bit and frowned at his completion.  All he could see was a too large nose and boring brown eyes.  Well, that and his many piercings that he adored.  He knew his parents were less than thrilled at the idea of their son getting gages but Dan couldn't care less.  He admired his inked skin and piercings.  All through school everyone would bully him, it was an unfortunate affair.  Dan realized a way to keep everyone away was to look as intimidating as possible. 

It worked too, not a single soul has tried to engage conversation with him in at least a week.  Dan smiled and placed down his phone scribbling at the papers.  He heard a ding at the door, notifying a new person has arrived.  Dan looked up from his work and noticed a boy about his age had entered.  Dan was swept away by his beauty, but more importantly, his attire.

The boy was wearing a pastel pink sweater and dark grey jeans.  His shoes were white and topped off with dark pink socks.  His hair was in a ruffled wavy mess on his head.  Tucked over his forehead was a dainty flower crown with daisies spotting every other centimeter.  His eyes were what really made Dan feel entranced.  They were bright blue, darting around the room.  His nose was hooked slightly, and on it dotted small freckles.  His cheeks were a rosy pink, also sporting freckles.  They boys lips were puckered in thought.  He turned gracefully and started to search through the CDs. 

Dan wanted to get up and talk to him but was far too nervous to do so.  Fumbling around with his fingers Dan watched the boy.  He saw his long fingers trace the CDs and eventually plucked one out looking at the back.  Dan tried to stand up but was trapped in awe.  He watched the boy talk to the librarian and check out his book.  He made friendly conversation, something that Dan would never expect out of the women who glared at him not ten minutes ago. 

He smiled, his cheeks crinkling up causing his eyes to squint.  Dan felt joy flood over his body at the sight of his smile.  Dan swore it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. 

Then in an instant, the boy walked out of the library.  Dan scurried around, trying to pack everything up, he needed to meet that boy.  He threw everything in his bag and rushed out of the library nodding his head to the librarian who gave him a strange look.

Dan pushed open the doors and ran outside to feel slight drizzles on his face.  Dan searched through the crowd of people to see the pastel boy with a transparent umbrella.  Dan rushed through the people trying to catch up with the boy. 

His heart jumped out of his chest as he lost sight of his umbrella. Looking around frantically Dan felt the rain drop onto his head soaking his hair.  The water made his shirt stick to his shoulders and back.  Dan sighed and pushed his hands through his hair in defeat.

All through the day all Dan could think about was the boy, and how he wished he was a bit faster.  He wished that he could redo it all and actually talk to the boy.  Laying in bed Dan groaned into his pillow and had pleasant thoughts of the pastel boy.

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