Thats The Plan (hopefully)

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Phil's fingers dragged across the rough pavement outside of his house.  His eyes were locked with the sky.  The sun had just set making it primarily a deep grey.  The clouds hung in the air thickly, they were deep, an ink black.  Breathing in a lungful of the English night Phil's head was full of thoughts, as usual.  Dan was laying next to him in a similar position. 

"I'm scared."  Dan shuffled next to him.

"Of what?"  Phil asked blinking slowly, watching the sky slowly melt to a darker shade. 

Dan scoffed, "is everything a good answer?"

"Okay, pick one thing."  Phil pursed his lips.  They had one final year of high school then it's deciding what you wanted to do with your life.  Phil was sure that was the problem.  Every kid their age was terrified.

"What if I pick something and I think I like it at the time but when i'm old I realize it was a bad choice."  Dans voice shakes slightly.  Phil looked over at him to see slight tears dotting his brown eyes.

"Hey, it's okay."  Phil reassured and looked back up at the sky wishing he could do more for his friend, "what are you thinking of?"

"There's so many things I'm passionate about I don't know what I want to dedicate myself to.  I love acting but that's kinda dumb to hope it works out.  I'm interested in physiology and that would be a nice paying job.  But then I could also do something with my art." Dan spilled his thoughts out as if he's been holding them in for far too long.  Like a cup that's been filling to the brim until now when it finally spilled over.

"There's no need to decide right this instant."  Phil reminded, "going to the next stage in your life as an undecided major is okay.  You can take classes in physiology and art and acting.  Find what you love the most and go for it.  No matter what you pick, you'll be great.  And plus you'll always be able to do art."  Phil comforted.

Dan seemed to calm down a bit and sat up, "you're smart."

"Thanks."  Phil sat up across from him crossing his legs like Dan.  He was paler than usual, his hair long, falling over his face in wild stands.  He had dark circles under his eyes.  The last few months of school really got to him.  Phil sighed, he wished he saw this sooner but instead he was too focused on his own work.  How selfish, his friend was obviously struggling. 

"Are we going to stay friends after we graduate?" Dan asked his eyes like two saucers.

Phil smiled, "yes, of course."

"Friends forever?" Dan grinned back a bit more hesitant, however.

"That's the plan."

"Hey Phil?" Dan asked sheepishly.  He had lost confidence suddenly.  Usually the two were so open with each other.  The wind harshly blew across the two sending Dans crazy hair into an even more tangled mess. 

"Yeah?"  Phil responded, his voice steady but he was really scared of what Dan might say.

Dan took a long breath, "can I tell you something?" As a response Phil nodded, "I'm pretty sure that I'm gay."

The words were heavy and light at the same time. Heavy because it came so suddenly and unexpectedly.  Light because it seemed the moment it left Dans mouth he relaxed.  Phil let a grin grow on his face, "I'm glad you told me."

"You're not mad or anything?" Dan asked a bit surprised.

Phil couldn't help but laugh, "no?!"  Phi placed a hand on Dans shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly, "Dan, honestly this changes nothing.  Now I just know a bit more about you.  If anything this makes us closer friends."

"Oh thank God."  Dan looks over at Phil's hand and back up at his face.  Phil was so glad his friend was so honest with him.  Dan deserved to be happy and himself as well and Phil's sure this'll let him-

Dan kissed him.


His eyes stayed wide open focused on Dans closed ones right in front of him.  Phil's heart raced and he didn't know what to do.  His mind turned off.

After a few moments Phil found himself regaining hisself and placed his other hand on Dans shoulder.  Gently he pushed his friend away.  Dans face was full of regret. 

"Oh, I'm sorry.  I just needed to do that.  I really like you Phil and this is so bad I'm sorry."  Dans eyes begin to tear up.

"Hey, hey, it's okay."  Phil smiles and pulls Dan into a hug while he sobs onto his shoulder.  He's not sure if Dan likes him or if he's just coming to terms with who he is.  It doesn't matter, Phil needed to be there for him as a friend.

"No it's not."  Dan tried to pull away but Phil held him close and squeezed him in a comforting manner.  Dan relaxed in his arms.  He kneaded his head into Phil's neck gently and Phil allowed it.  Pulling his right hand up to Dans face Phil pushed away his hair and began to dry up some of his tears with his thumb.

Phil let Dan fall away but he continued to dry his friends face of tears.  He looked disappointed.  And who could blame him.  This was obviously not what he was expecting.

"You don't like me."  Dan nodded his voice defeated.

"I'm sorry."  Phil started, "I wish I did.  I'm not into boys, sorry."  He apologized again, "I like you Dan, I really do but I don't think I can do anything more than a friendship."

"I understand, I'll just go." Dan tried to get up but Phil pulled him back down.

"What?" He was shocked at Dans readiness to leave.

"You don't like me."  Dan shrugged.

"Hey, I thought we were best friends forever?"  Phil tilted his eyebrows up somewhat pleadingly, he didn't want to lose his friend.

"Yeah."  Dan half whispered and sat down back next to Phil.  He wrapped an arm around his friend and pulled him close resting his head on his shoulder.

"Isn't the sky beautiful?" Phil was in awe at the stars that decided to appear during his absence. 

"Stunning." Dan laughed.  It was ridiculous.  Maybe it just hit him, how odd this all is.  Or how normal everything seems to be now but Phil was laughing too.  And the stars glistened as usual and the world kept turning.

An: this wasn't a very very happy ending and either was the last one.  I'll try to write a nice one next.  Aight? Also I just realized that in this and the last oneshot Dan was secretly in love with Phil.  I didn't plan that.  I just wanted to write a perspective where one of them didn't know the other had feelings. And my last one shot was Dans POV so I just decided Phil's.  Okay that was a lil rant, oh well.

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