Afternoon Surprise

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This is the longest oneshot I've written to this oneshot story. Enjoy :)

It had been a horrible day.
The Yard had not been kind today, with Sherlock complaining about how slow he was, to Donovan complaining about Sherlock being there altogether. Greg was fighting the urge to punch both of them and tell them to stop whining.

Greg rubbed his eyes, looking at the clock. 11:34. This was the 3rd time this week he'd been at the Yard this late, and all he would like was to go home, snuggle under the warm blankets and sleep. He'd give himself until twelve, then, and only then, will he go home.
Greg yawned and looked back down at the paperwork on the desk. He picked up the pen he'd been holding moments before, and began to scribble down the correct information for the case.

It seemed time passed much quicker when your busy. When Lestrade looked up at the clock it was 12:10. He yawned again and started to gather his stuff, ready to go home after a long and exhausting day. Greg had grabbed the papers and put them in a neat pile, he grabbed his mug and other utensils, shut the lights off and left.

The only thing Greg hadn't anticipated was the rain. It Poured over the streets, cold and unforgiving. He scowled as he stepped outside, immediately getting soaked and cold. Well, this is just great, it was a fantastic day, nice people, nice weather, seems like everything was just going my way. Greg thought bitterly, looking down the street for any sign of a cab, Greg looked down at his watch. 12:30. He sighed, Greg doubted there would be a cab around this late at night. So he started to walk home, getting cold and wet was not one of his favorite activities.


About 2 blocks from home Greg Lestrade heard a noise. Looking around he reached for his gun, couldn't be to careful right? He walked down the sidewalk toward the sound, which was getting louder. He turned the corner into an alley, ready to react if he was jumped, but it seemed that would not be nessesary. He looked down to see two, soaking wet kittens, that were huddling together for warmth and comfort. Greg felt a pang of sampathy travel through him. He put the gun on safety and put it in his pocket. Greg kneeled down and picked up the two kittens, then proceeded to put them inside his coat to keep them warm. Greg walked out of the Alleyway and headed home.


Greg got to the doorstep,got his keys out and opened the door. He had to get the kittens inside and get them warm and feed. Greg had guessed these kittens were old enough to eat real food. He walked to the kitchen, put the kittens on the counter where they were cold and shivering. Greg ran up the stairs to the bathroom grabbing a towel, the hair dryer ( it has its purposes, other than hair, which he totally doesn't use it for) and some blankets. Running back down the stairs he walked into the kitchen, grabbed the kittens and walked into the living room, and sat on the floor next to the fire place. Wrapping the kittens in the towel, Greg turned on the hair dryer, making sure it wasn't to close, so it wouldn't make them too warm. After warming the kittens up, he went into the kitchen and made some food, which he shared with the now Lively kittens. Greg decided he would go to the pet store in the morning before work and get Kitten food.


After playing with the kittens for about a half hour, the sound of the front door opening echoed through the house. Greg froze. Dammit! He forgot about Mycroft!
He put the kittens on the couch, and walked down the hall to the front door. He smiled when he saw Mycroft hanging his coat on the coat hook, along with his scarf. Mycroft turned to look at Greg and gave him a small, tired smile. He walked over to Greg and put his arms around him and kissed his forehead, running his hand through Greg's silver locks.
"How was your day?" He asked softly. Getting a pleasurable hum in response. Mycroft removed his hand from Greg's hair and kissed his nose.
"Actually..." Greg said." I kind of found a Afternoon surprise on my way home"
Mycroft looked down at him with curiosity, He quirked an eyebrow and and smiled.
"What kind of surprise?"
Greg jumped out of Mycrofts grip with a grin and ran down the hall, going into the living room. He searched the room for the kittens, finding them and picking them up, Greg walked down the hall with a smile on his face. Before walking into the kitchen, He stopped and took a deep breath. Greg, don't get your hopes up! What if Mycroft doesn't even want to keep them. Don't get attached! He scolded himself, but Greg already knew he was attached to the little guys. He took another deep breath and walked it.

Greg found Mycroft in the kitchen, making a grilled cheese sandwich on the stove. Mycroft turned, his gaze immediately on the two Black and white Kittens in his lovers arms.
"Awe, Come on Myc! They were all alone in an alleyway, they were freezing!I couldn't leave them could i!?" Greg stated.
"Gregory, I know, but we can't keep them"
"Why not?" Greg pouted. Trying not to look horribly disappointed, which he knew he was failing miserably.
"Well, Gregory... We've never had a pet, let alone two, we both have horrible work schedules and have no time for such things." Mycroft sighed. Gregory was giving him that look, The look he can never resist. Greg had his lower lip out in a pout and was looking at Mycroft with his big chocolate brown eyes.
"But Myc, I'll take care of them, I'll feed them before I go to work, I'll make sure they have water, and even though we both live here its still such a big house and I-i feel so alone when you leave the country on meetings and, I don't know, I want to have this responsibility." Greg begged. He wanted the kittens so bad it made his heart hurt. It wasn't that Mycroft wasn't enoughed, he loved Mycroft with all his heart, but he wanted something more small, he wanted something that depended on him.
Mycroft sighed and turned to Greg. Greg was looking at him with big hopeful eyes, just begging to keep them. Mycroft heard himself sigh again.
"Fine, we can keep them."
Gregs head snapped up to look at Mycroft with a goofy grin on his face.
"Really?" He asked happily.
Mycroft smiled at the goofy grin on his partners face.
"Yes, we shall keep them." Mycroft confirmed " what are you gonna name them?"
"Hmm, I've been thinking bout that." Greg said sheepishly." I think I'll name this one" he held up the Black kitten" Raven, and this one" he held up the other kitten, the white one" Dove."

Mycroft looked at the Joy on his lovers face, Maybe this was a good thing. One of the kittens mewled, and in response Greg snuggled it, whispering calming words to the kitten.
Mycroft smile.

Yes this was defiantly a good thing.

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