Dinner at Baker Street Again

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Hi guys, now I have to say it.... IM SOOO SORRY. School started and it was horrible, I tried I really did, but I get too distracted. Don't get my wrong, this will continue. Its just that I haven't had the time. between Homework and volleyball, I'm exhausted. But I've gotten a good time to write and that was now. I'm listening to 1985 by Bowling for Soup, good song.

Mycroft and Greg got there at exactly 7:00. Exiting the car, Greg sighed ' I should have written my will before coming here'. Greg looked back at Mycroft who was getting the bag of food. He smiled and turned back to the flat. Mycroft put a hand on his shoulder, making Greg jump. He and mycroft walked up to the door and knocked.

"Do you think this is Sherlocks plan to murder us" Greg asked

"Probably, I would never imagine him actually inviting us"

"Well he didn't, john did"

"He might be in on the plan" Mycroft said

Greg opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the door opening. It revealed a smiling mrs. Hudson.

" Detective inspector, Mycroft, Come in"

They walked into the hallway. And looked up the stairs, scared at what horrors were awaiting.

"Oh Hello, how are you" Mrs. Hudson asked Greg.

"Fine, and please Mrs. Hudson, call me Greg"

" so are you and Mr. Lestrade...Friends?" Mrs. Hudson asked Mycroft

Mycroft opened his mouth to confirm this fact, but Greg beat him to it.

"Actually Mrs. Hudson, we are dating"

Greg grabbed Mycrofts hand and proceeded to hop up the stairs with Mycroft at his heels.

Mrs. Hudson smiled. Those boys she thought shaking her head and walking back to her kitchen.

Mycroft and Greg finished climbing the steps and stood in front of the door. Unsure if they should enter, for the fear of being Surprised, they just stood in front of the door until Greg reached his fist forward and knocked. Moments later the door opened to reveal a happy john. Taking that as a good sign, Greg smiled.

"Come in, Greg and Mycroft" John said. They entered and looked around. The flat looked just as it had every other day. Papers scattered the room, taking up every spare inch of it. With a bunch of other nic knacks. The only thing different was the table. Which had been cleared for dinner.

Greg turned and took the bag of food from Mycroft and handed it to John.

"Thank you Greg, I don't know what I'd do without you" John said.

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