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Greg gasped, trying to breath in such a small confined space that was suffocating him. He squirmed trying to find room to move, he whimpered. 'Don't worry you will get out of here, have faith in your team, ya?' Greg thought in utter despair. His legs and arms were cramping from being out of use for so long, he was so thirsty, his mouth was so dry it felt like he had swallowed sand. Greg tried to move move again, feeling the horrible pain in his head come back. He whimpered again, surprised at how weak and hopeless it sounded, and that it failed to sound like his own.

The sound of gunpowder startled him. Then he realized the crate he was in was being opened..

Greg bolted up in bed with a gasp while gripping the blankets between his fingers for comfort. He immediately looked to his right to see his partner in bed next to him, sleeping soundlessly. Greg sighed as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. He looked at the clock. 3:00 am. 'Well that's just great' he Thought. He hated this, The nightmares. They always arrived when his partner wasn't there, but now, they came more often. Some nights Greg didn't get a wink of sleep, always having a nightmare of a previous case or traumatic event.

Greg sighed and looked around the room, trying to get his eyes to get used to the lack of light in their big bedroom. The worst thing about the nightmares now was that his partner was there with him. It was hard trying not to have a panic attack right there and then. So far Mycroft didn't know about the nightmares, and it was a relief. He didn't want Mycroft to think he was weak, right? After a little bit his eyes adjusted to the lighting (or lack of) in the room. He walked across the room and opened the door, making sure to look back at this lover who was sleeping peacefully. Greg smiled it was a lovely sight. The older Holmes was laying on his stomach with his arms under the pillow he was currently using, his head was facing Greg with a comfortable smile on his face. Greg stood there for a moment to admire the beautiful view, the walked out and closed the door with a soft click.

Walking into the kitchen Greg opened the fridge and took out the lemonade and poured himself a glass. He took a gulp of the sweet drink and set it down before his hand started to shake to much. To be honest he was still shaken from the dream. The event happened a few years ago, but every time it was mentioned he felt fear go down his spine. He took a deep breath, and rubbed his temples from The pounding in his head. The headache only made matters worst. Greg took the glass from the counter and went to go into the living room. Before he even took a two steps, He felt a wave a nausea past through him. So he decided the floor was a good place to sit. What he didn't notice was the man standing in the doorway a few minutes later.


Greg's head snapped to look at Mycroft, but the quick movement was too much for him and he groaned in pain. Looking up at Mycroft slowly, he saw the look of worry past over his face. Greg put his head against the cool glass of the cabinet. He heard Mycroft sigh and footsteps walking over to him. Two fingers were lifting Greg's head up, and the next thing he knew he was face to face with Mycroft.

" let's go back to bed, Gregory dear"

Greg nodded slowly and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. Hands laced with Mycrofts, he walked back to the bedroom, got under the covers and fell asleep snuggled up against his partner.

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