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I'm SOO SORRY! I seem to have forgotten to write on here! May the great God of Wattpad have mercy on my soul! I wanted to say thank you! 1000 reads! What a day. Thank you to all the people who stuck with my these past months. And thank you to the people who decide this was a good story to read.

Life sucks.

Especially when your different.

Even though their are many like you, their is always people who hate you for being different. The people who pick on you, call you names.

It. Was. Not. Fair.

But life wasn't fair, right?

Greg Lestrade had memorized everything he had been called. Everything. Freak. Weirdo. Abomination. Queer.

Everything you could think of. And the worst thing was. He had gotten so used to it, he didn't find it offensive anymore.

"Hey, Weirdo, How's life?"

Greg rolled his eyes and turned to his friend, his weird, obnoxious friend. Even thought Sam sometimes picks on him, it was always in a friendly way. He never hurt Greg, not intentionally.

"Full of Shit"

"Well, that's nice to hear" Sam replied pleasantly, obviously amused by Greg's reply.

"What do you want Sam?"

"Am I not allowed to talk to my friend?"

"No you are not, especially if your friend is the freak in school"

"But what if I like my freaky friend?"

"Then good for you" Greg replied opening his locker, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Boop." Sam said poking Greg in the nose, a smile on his face.

Greg frowned, confused. But then again, Sam always confused him. In fact he confused everyone. They didn't know why he hung out with Greg, in fact, Greg didn't know why either.

"Why did you do that?" Greg asked.

"Why Not?"

"You're a weirdo"

"I know, but you like me anyway." Sam said with a goofy grin.

"Anyway, your wings alright? I heard someone pushed you and you landed on them." Sam asked looking at the feathery burdens on Greg's back.

Greg looked back at them himself and sighed. If he didn't have them, he would have friends, he wouldn't be picked on, he would be happy.

"Yeah, their fine, and useless, as always."

"Awe, don't say that! Their great, they make you unique!" Sam exclaimed loudly, making everyone in the hallway looked their way.

Greg reached into his locker and grabbed the books he needed for his first class, trying to quickly get away from all the attention. He shut his locker and turned to Sam.

"I got to go to class, see you later"

Sam sighed, obviously annoyed with Greg's antics to get away.

"Okay, I'll see you later, have a good day, okay?" Sam said.

"I'll try." Greg sighed as he walked away. After walking a couple of strides, he looked back to see Sam walking the opposite way, and smiled. He turned back around and walked to class, as the other students grabbed their stuff and scurried away.

Scurrying into the class, Greg sat down and looked down at this desk, trying not to have attention drawn to him. After a couple of minutes the Bell rang and class started.

"Hello class, today we have a new student" Miss May said with that annoying smile on her face. Greg looked up to look at the new student and felt his stomach flip.

The boy up front stood straight, almost proud, in his stance. He was a tall figure, Greg guessed 5'11, skinny but not twigish, and a Mop of Auburn hair. All these things impressed Greg, but what got Greg's attention was his eyes, they were a Greyish bluish color, and looked as if they could see into your deepest thoughts.

"Now, would you like to tell the class your name, deary?" Again Miss May squeaked.

"Mycroft, Mycroft Holmes" the Boy replied, and Greg felt he heart flutter in a weird sort of way.

"Well....Mycroft, pick a seat and we can begin class."

The Boy looked around and his eyes stopped at the seat in front of him. Greg held back the blush forming on his cheeks when the boy looked right at him, analyzing him, and smiled. Greg couldn't help but smile back.

This is going to be a great year.

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