Morning Pleasures

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Greg hadn't known what happened. He hadn't known that it would have happened, and he could never even begin to predict that this would have been in his future.

Light fluttered through the curtains as the early morning made it's appearence in the bedroom. The light of day covering the king size bed in the middle of the large room. Dust particles floated around the room, but were only visible in the ray of sun that was protruding through the window.

Greg shivered and pulled the duvet up to cover his body more and to block the cold chill of the room. The blanket itself wasn't exactly the warmest thing in the bed either. This realization gave Greg the temptation to roll over to his bed partner, who was fast asleep and facing towards him.

Greg rolled slightly closer to him, trying to steal the warmth that his partner had managed to obtain. Greg stopped before he was too close and smiled softly at his other half.

Mycroft had been fast asleep next to him. Wrapped up in the duvet and his face in a pillow, Greg had to call these moments rare pleasures that he was lucky to be able to witness.

It was rare that Mycroft slept later than Greg. Mycroft was a natural morning person, Greg. . .was not. Greg, if he hadn't been called into work for a case, usually slept until at least 10. Mycroft on the other hand, couldn't stay asleep for the life of him, and always awoke before 8:30am if he hadn't been called into work, which were rare occasions as well. These moments were rare and far apart, so every second he was able to wake up before his partner, he took advantage and enjoyed every moment of watching his other half sleeping peaceful, seemingly stress free.

Greg looked at Mycroft and could not believe he had gotten so lucky. He had been given a second chance by the world and he was forever grateful. Watching Mycroft's auburn hair reflect slightly off the light of day and the way his eyelashes fluttered slightly when he woke was the most beautiful thing he had seen in his long life. He wouldn't trade this experience- this time- with Mycroft for anything else in the entire world.

Greg smiled a peaceful smile and rolled closer. He lifted his hand and ran it through Mycroft's auburn locks as he slept peacfully besides Greg.

No, he wouldn't dream of giving this up.

He heard Mycroft's breathing change and he shifted slightly. Greg tilted his head slightly and continued to rub his scalp softly and chuckled quietly, a low rumbled like laugh, deep from sleep.

Mycroft made a slight noise and his eyelids fluttered open, eyes focusing on Greg as a small smile graced Mycroft's face. When Mycroft looked at him like that, he could swear his heart missed a beat everytime.

Mycroft hummed as Greg continued to comb his fingered through Mycroft's hair.

"Good morning, Gregory," Mycroft mumbled, voice thick with sleep.

Greg smiled once again and pulled Mycroft slightly closer, and cuddled up next to him.

Mycroft made a slight yelping noise and gave Greg a disaproving look, one in which Greg grinned at.

"Your feet are rather cold, dear," Mycroft said quietly.

Greg smiled and cuddled closer to steal more of the warmth radiating off his partner.

"I know they are, love, it's actually freezing in here and I'm cold," Greg looked up at Mycroft with a begging look for Mycroft to not push him away.

Mycroft looked back at Greg and pouted slightly,"I know it is and you're taking all the warmth I had managed to collect."

"Can't we just share?" Greg begged, putting his arms around Mycroft's waist and pulling him closer, if that was even possible.

Mycroft sighed a long suffering sign, like it was the biggest job in the world to say yes to Greg and looked back down at the Detective Inspector.

"Alright," Mycroft sighed.

Greg grinned and tangled his legs with Mycroft's, making sure to rub his cold feet against Mycroft's calf, resulting in a another yelp and a glare in his direction.

Greg got comfortable and looked up at Mycroft, and pushed himself off the bed slightly and kissed him. Mycroft made a slight noise and melted into the kiss. Their lips moved against each others slowly, resulting in a slow sweet kiss. Greg pulled away and put his face in the crook of Mycroft's neck and smiled to himself.

He could live like this forever.

Hey guys! It's been so long, how are you? I know it's been a while since I've updated, but school and everything can't help but get in the way and issues at home as well. I have no idea how long this story of oneshots will be, I don't think I can predict either. I will update for as long as I feel it should continue. I'm sorry for not updating, and I hope that this fluff made up for it!

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