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We got Jawn a couple weeks ago and his adorableness Is killing me.

Mycroft and Greg are about 18 - 20 years of age.

"I'm Bored"

Mycroft sighed and proceeded to turn to his Boyfriend, who was laying on the back of the couch like a cat.

"Go read" Mycroft suggested. He was working and didn't have time for this.
Greg turned to him and looked at him in utter horror. Eyes wide, and mouth open in surprise.

"Me....Read!? Myc I really thought you knew" Greg cried dramatically.

"What? What is it?" Mycroft asked.

"Myc.....I have bibliophobia"

"What? Gregory that's ridiculous"

"Nooo, its true!"

"No it is not."

"YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND" Greg Screamed, throwing his hands in the air.

Mycroft rolled his eyes, rather annoyed with his lovers antics to get attention. Then Mycroft a Brilliant idea. He got up, went over to their bookshelf grabbed a random book and walked over to Greg.... And proceeded to shove it in his face.

But the Scream of fright was well worth it, because Greg screeched and then fell of the back of the couch, onto the floor. Which left Mycroft double over laughing, and the Mutter of 'Oh Dear' made him laugh harder.

Greg got up and glared at Mycroft, who was still laughing.
"Glad you found that Hilarious."
Greg grumbled.

Mycroft had finish laughing, but was now smiling. Mycroft stood up, and walked over to his lover. He held Greg's face in his hands.
"Yes, thank you for such enjoyment" He mumbled and kissed Greg.

Greg mumbled a 'I love you' into the kiss, and kissed back.

When they pulled away, Greg was smiling.

"Umm, Mycroft?" He said.


"I don't have Bibliophobia"

"Thought as much" Mycroft said before kissing him again.

Hope you enjoy this Fun, although short, chapter :)

Bibliophobia: the fear of Books.

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