"Accidental" Kiss

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Grand idea by MoikeyBoi! Greg and Mycroft are around 12 to 15 years old. Sorry, its a bit long. I had time because I'm home sick today. I've kinda changed the idea a bit and made it a little different though.

"Where are we going?"

Greg smiled as Mycroft shrugged.
They were walking down the street, not really sure where they would end up. They just took a walk. Usually they went to Mycroft's house, staying close range to the home, but today they both agreed the confined space was starting to get suffocating and they needed to get out for a while.

It was a sunny day for once, not a cloud in the sky, Well, give or take a few. They both had just gotten home from school. And now were walking down the street with no exact destination.

Greg tilted his head towards the sky and inhaled a breath of the air. I was raining a couple of hours ago and you could still smell the rain that fell earlier that day. He exhaled and turned to Mycroft who was looking at local shops.

"So when do you think we are going to head back to your house?" Greg asked lightly.

"I don't have a clue when." Mycroft replied.

Mycroft was wearing a vest with a white long sleeve shirt underneath, which the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He had nice trousers on and shoes that probably cost more than Greg's entire outfit.

Yeah, he and Mycroft were quite a pair. Greg didn't have much while Mycroft had a private driver that came whenever he called. While Mycroft had elegant clothing on, Greg had a tee shirt, jeans, and sneakers that were his main attire. It seems they were polar opposites. Greg let loose, had fun, while Mycroft was disciplined and took a serious side to most situations.

"Its wonderful out today," he observed.

"Yes, quite." Mycroft answered.

Greg glaced at Mycroft. He had been acting rather awkward lately, well a lot more than the usual. When around Greg, he usually had quite a lot to say.
And lately, they only exchanged only a few words. It seemed they both tried to break the ice, but neither were good at it and it ended with few words.

"Soooooooo," Greg tried. "Are you okay?"

Mycroft stiffened up instantly and Greg felt his stomach drop at the thought of his best friend keeping something from him.

"No, I'm absolutely fine." Mycroft hissed through gritted teeth.

"Oh, okay, I'm sorry i shouldn't have asked," He answered." I'm only your best friend, but no it's fine."

He dropped his head to look at his shoes as he walked. He didn't try to engage Mycroft in any other conversation. They just walked together in silence that was deafening.

"Gregory," Mycroft sighed. "Forgive me, i shouldn't have acted in such a way."

"No its fine" He mumbled, his eyes still focused on the ground.

Mycroft looked at him with a sad expression. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but couldn't put it into words.

"Shouldn't we head back to your house?" Greg asked, finally looking up to meet Mycroft in the eye.

"Uh, yes that might me a good idea"

They decided to take the short way back. They had walked a while and didn't want to take the long way back.

They walked back in silence. The uncomfortable tension was getting heavier by the second. Mycroft had opened his mouth to say something several times but always ended up closing it again. He breathed out a audible sigh, voicing his defeat.

"Do you remember that year we went to that lake? The one that took, like, an hour to get to?" Greg asked suddenly.

Mycroft looked at him in confusion. Why did this come up in conversation? He was still confused but he nodded slowly. He remembered that year, he just didn't see what it had to do with the current situation.

Greg had nodded back and continued. "We didn't know why we were going to this exact lake, we could have gone to a closer one, but no we had to go to this one. Its like it had a special meaning to it." He said dramatically," and I remember you brought your friend Lindsey and I brought my friend Sam. So you and Lindsey were sitting on the beach taking, obviously more mature than me and Sam-"

"Sam and I." Mycroft corrected softly.

"Oh! Right, Sam and I. And Sam and I, were playing around in the water, dunking each other and splashing. And i remember i was trying to impress you guys by do really stupid things." Greg chuckled at himself," And i got a brilliant idea, do you remember what that brilliant idea was?"

Greg was smiling at him with a happy glint in his eyes.

"You decided to jump off the rock right next to the water like an idiot." Mycroft replied, not knowing why Greg was so happy.

"And an idiot i was. I got out of the water and i started climbing the rock. Now, i was a very big rock and took me about five minutes to climb. And when you guys noticed me you yelled at me to come down and that i was being stupid. Sam, meanwhile, was cheering me on telling me to jump in the water. So i did, i ran and jumped in the water, and almost died."

Mycroft smiled and nodded. He remembered that day well. They had to make a run to the hospital. He had never seen his mother so scared in his young life.

Greg was grinning now.
" i cut all the way up my calf and was basically bleeding to death. And while we were waiting for the ambulance, Sam comes up and says the absolutely stupidest thing, do you remember what he said?"

Mycroft chuckled and replied." he said 'Well, that went swimmingly didn't it?"

"And you all glared at him with anger while i was on the ground laughing so hard we all thought i split my leg even worst then before." Greg recapped smiling. "And after we got to the hospital and got me stitched up. I got out of the room with crutches and the first thing Lindsey did was slap me on the back of the head and said ' you git! We were all worries to death!' and do you remember what i said?"

Mycroft was laughing now. He remember perfectly. " Sorry, mum."

They both started laughing. The tension that was there was gone.
Things started to die down they stopped laughing and were now breathing heavy from laughing.

Greg looked at Mycroft and smiled. He pretended to trip and"accidentally" kissed him. When Greg lean away with a sheepish smile, he looked at Mycroft's shocked face and licked his lips.


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