Behind the Wall

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I sat there waiting quietly, leaning against the wall. It was towering above me, casting a shadow that shielded me from the sun along with a few trees.

I squirmed and settled down again. I put my head back to lean against the brink wall. It was quite large. People from town said it was built to protect us from what was out there, but i didn't believe it personally. Everyone knew the wastelands were a vast and dangerous place to be. Its believed to have little to no resources. That meaning no food, water, trees or anything needed to survive. Not to mention the horrible creatures. But i knew it wasn't true no matter what the government said.

I rolled my eyes at the thought and looked at my watch. He was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago. He was usually on time, rather their meetings at dust or at dawn, he was there on time. Something must of held him up. Hopefully he was going to be here soon.

"How late am i?"

I smiled and replied, "rather late for my standards, but i wouldn't say too late for yours."

"Ah, of course."

I played with my watch and hummed quietly, wondering if he was familiar with the melody.

"Do you know of the melody? Its rather popular so you should know it." i commented while unpacking my things.

"I don't believe i do, could you describe it to me?"

"I forgot the name of the song, but i know how it goes."

"Well, then you'll just have to sing it to me, won't you?"

I scoffed at the comment and finished unpacking before laying down on the blanket i had put on the forest floor.

"Don't be absurd,"i commented lightly." i can't sing and even if i could i wouldn't."

I rolled my eyes as he chuckled and played with the corners of the blanket.

"Not even for me? And I'm sure you can sing, you're just being stubborn."

I rolled onto my stomach and closed my eyes before propping my chin on my fists.

"I am not being stubborn, i just cannot sing no matter how hard i try."

"What a shame."

I smiled and tilted my head to the side. I had met him about a month or two ago. I was very upset that day, particularly at my father. I could remember the day vividly as if it were yesterday.

"I can't believe the nerve of that man! I can't believe he would give his own family for the sake of a reputation!" i cried.

I paced back and forth complaining about my father. About how he was devoid of any love whatsoever and how i wasn't surprised in the slightest.

"That's quite a shame."

I froze, utterly surprised at the fact i had rambled all this time with someone watching.

I looked around,"where are you?" i asked.

I heard a chuckle and turned to its source, but all that i was met with was a wall.

"This is anything but funny." i commented.

"Of course it isn't to you, because you're the one who is confounded."

"Are you behind the wall?"

"Maybe, aren't you behind the wall as well?"

"That's not what i meant." i said with a smile.

"Well, then be more clear next time." he chuckled.

"Okay, are you on the other side of this wall that is directly in front of me?"

"Why yes, yes i am, thanks for noticing."

I laughed silently. This had been quite a day.

I suppose that day would stuck in my head forever. Not that i minded, it was the day i learned that i could laugh again.

I looked at my watch and sighed.

"I am sorry, but i must go now. When would you like to meet next?"

"I was thinking tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Isn't that a little soon?"

"Yes, yes it is, but i know that I'll miss you before then."

I felt my face become hot and i knew i was blushing. I smiled softly.

"I'll be there."

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