Aren't Beaches fun?

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I sighed lightly and smiled as I bathed in the sun. I rolled over onto my stomach like a cat and enjoyed the comfort of the texture of the towel underneath me. I decided I rather enjoyed Florida, one of the best places for a tan.

It was also one of the best places to burn as well, said for my lover who was absolutely covered in sun tan lotion. He looked over at me from under his umbrella, which was blocking the sun. I smiled as a treaty for peace, which he just huffed and turned back to watching the water.

"Come on, love." I said."This isn't that bad." He turned to me and frowned, obviously not agreeing with me.

"It is awfully hot, and I'm burning to a crisp, what's your definition of 'not that bad' because my definition is a lot different that yours." He hissed harshly.

I felt a pang of hurt in my heart. It upset me rather a lot, I didn't like it when he got harsh with me. And it must have shown on my face because Mycroft frowned and sighed, getting up and walking over to me.

He sat down next to me and leaned in close a whispered in my ear.

"How about we go for a swim, hmm?"

I looked at him in surprise, eyes wide. I knew he didn't particularly like swimming and thought it a was a waste of time and energy. I grinned from ear to ear.

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course, my love."

I stood up, grabbed his hand, and dragged him down the beach to the water. When we got to the start of the water I took a few steps in and smiled at him, in which he smiled back. He walked in after me, and after a second I unexpectedly grabbed him and pushed him into the water.

"Gregory?! What was that for?!" Mycroft asked loudly, shocked.

"I don't know why I did it, I just did." I said, unfazed.

Mycroft stood up again and gave me a look that said 'don't push your luck' yep thats what it said.

I pulled him in so far that it was up to my neck and up to his shoulders. I grinned as I swam around and dived underwater. Mycroft smiled and laughed at how silly I was being.

After a while of swimming around and making a complete fool of myself, I dived. I opened my eyes underwater and looked around, it was rather clean. I saw Mycroft's legs and smirked, trying not to swallow any water. I swam over to them and did something I've always wanted to do.

I pretended to be a fish.
I pinched Mycroft's leg and heard his let out a yelp of surprise. I surfaced the water gasping and giggling while Mycroft waited for me to be done, crossing his arms in annoyance.

I grinned and looked up to see Mycroft standing right in front of me with an annoyed look on his face. I stood up and my grin faded away, and I was kinda scared of what he would say.

Instead I was shocked when he grabbed my waist, pulled me in close and kissed me. I soon recovered from the shock and kissed back. The kiss was slow, sweet and like how kissing Mycroft Holmes always was, fantastic.
I closed my eyes and put my arms around his neck, feeling a shiver go down my spine. Our lips moved against one another softly, neither one of us in a rush at all. We both pulled away, breathless, and grinning like idiots. We rested our foreheads against each others and I smiled softly.

"Well," I giggled. "That' something to check of the bucket list."

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