Will You?

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He inhaled sharply, closing his eyes as he tried to calm his nerves. He could not believe he was doing this. Well, he could, it wasn't a surprise he was doing this, but it would be to Myc.

Greg stood in the kitchen of the house, a small box in his hands. He played with it, moving it in his hands unconsciously. He had gotten used to playing with the box for the last two months now. He opened his eyes and opened the box slowly to reveal a small silver band with small detailed engravings around the outside of it. The minute Greg saw the ring, he couldn't resist the temptation to bring it home. He had either kept it in the bottom of his drawer or in his pocket.

He remembered when he brought it to work a month ago and it ended up in the hands of Sally Donovan. She had a big smirk on her lips and uttered the words "who's the lucky girl?"

He looked around the flat. A flat in which both he and Mycroft lived. He was asked to move in about 5 months ago. Myc insisting that Greg move in with him, for his flat was closer to the Yard and that Greg spent most of his time there anyway. And he had agreed in a heartbeat. He had slowly fallen for the younger man's charm and smile. Greg swore that the man would be the death of him, but he decided that it would be worth it.

He snapped the box shut and slide it back into his pocket as the sound of the door closing. Mycroft was home from work.

He peered around the doorframe of the kitchen and look into the hall to see the man hanging up his coat and propping his umbrella against the wall. Greg could feel a adoring smile creep onto his face at the sight of the object. Mycroft carried it everywhere and it barley left his side. Greg didn't know why he did that, he didn't know the story behind that umbrella, but he didn't mind not knowing.

The man turned around and caught sight of his partner in the kitchen. He gave Greg a soft tired smile, saying all the things words couldn't. He had probably had a long day at work. The signs were there, he was walking stiffly and looked rather tired. As well as the smile he gave Greg was a little artificial, as an effect of having to give fake smiles to just as fake people.

Greg slid into the hallway and gave Mycroft a small grin. He started to feel the bubbling in his stomach and the urge to make an excuse to go to bed early, so he could chicken out. He stood firm, he had made the decision to propose to the man he loved, despite all the things that could go wrong, despite his churning stomach, which was roaring with the same butterflies he had felt when he had first met the man in front of him.

"So, long day at work?" Greg mumbled softly, not trusting his voice to come out as firm as he'd want it to.

Mycroft turned to him and gave him a pained smile, his eyes full of adoration.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" He replied.

Greg tutted lightly as if he had witnessed something done wrong. "Sorry love, its rather obvious, even to me." He said and he walked back into the kitchen and put the kettle on.

"Ah, i see, and how has your day at work been?"

Greg tapped his foot lightly. "Its been, you know, work." He replied with a hum.

He heard Mycroft let out a amused snort from the other room. "That's not very specific, Gregory."

"I know that, love."

Greg took the boiling water of the stove and prepared the tea. He made sure it was Mycroft's favorite, instead of his own. He put his hand in his pocket and fiddled with the box with a sigh, there was no backing out, he had thought it over, this is what he wanted.

After finishing, he brought the two mugs into the living room and set them down on the coffee table in front of Mycroft, who was stretched out on the sofa like a spoiled cat. Greg smiled at the sight and felt happiness shoot through him. He felt special at the fact that he was the one that could see Mycroft so relaxed, that he was allowed to see this lazy side of the man before him.

Mycroft lifted his head and sat up. He grabbed one of the mugs lightly and took a drink, shooting Greg a look of appreciation. Greg took the other and sat down besides Mycroft and sighed at how blissful it all was. It was so peaceful and yet Greg was going to ask a question that could make or break their relationship, and Mycroft didn't have a clue. It was true, ignorance was bliss.

After many minute of silence, besides the sounds of people breathing softly, Greg turned towards Mycroft slightly and put his almost empty mug on the table. Mycroft noticed the movement and gave Greg a questioning look that asked why Greg was disrupting the peace.

"Mycroft, I have something to ask you." Greg said softly. He took a deep breath and tried to swallow his nerves, which were going haywire. He could have sworn he shaking from the inside out because of how scared he felt. That's right, Greg was scared. He was scared of the consequences. What if Mycroft said no? What if Mycroft realized that this relationship was not something to waste his time with and left him? Greg swallowed thickly at the though and tried to forcible calm his churning stomach.

Mycroft turned to Greg after putting his mug down and turned slightly so he was facing Greg and gave a smile, letting Greg know he was listening.

"I know it hasn't been that long, i know that this might be too soon, but i don't care. Mycroft Holmes, you are best man I have ever met. You're smart, you're funny, you're charming, your smile is to die for, you're unreal, because i could have never thought id meet such a perfect man. I don't know what i love about you Mycroft, all i know is that i want to spend every minute with you. Actually, scratch that, i love everything about you and i want to spend eternity with you. So, will you, Mycroft Holmes, The British Government, Marry me?"

Greg finished with the box in his hands and his head down. He feared the worst. He feared Mycroft would get a disgusted look on his face and snap at Greg not to be ridiculous, and that he would never marry him, and that marriage was ridiculous.

Greg wait, and wait, but nothing happened. He felt fear shoot through him and wondered if Mycroft left all together. When he looked up he could see Mycroft look at him with adoration in his eyes and a soft expression that could put puppies to shame.

Mycroft leaned forward and kissed his forehead lightly before slipping the silver band onto his finger.

"Of course I'll marry you, my dear."

So, what did you think? It was rather long, but i thought it was well worth it. Hope you liked it!

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