0.2 Seconds

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3rd person

Sherlock, John, and Mycroft were all sitting Awkwardly in 221B. Sherlock had insisted Mycroft come over for a game night with him and John.

Beep beep!
"Shoot" Mycroft said as the game Operation made that irritating beeping noise.
"My turn, Brother dear" Sherlock said smugly

Mycroft sent Sherlock a death glare (which unfortunately had no effect) as John sat between the two sighing rather dramatically.
" is their anything else we can do" he said
"Nope" Sherlock said popping the P" John did you know it is possible to fall in love in 0.2 seconds"

"No it isn't" John scoffed" you're making that up!"

At that moment Mycroft went to go get tea, sensing an argument coming.
"But Jawn" Sherlock pouted"its true"

"Then prove it"

"...I can't"


"Well John, It doesn't just happen" Sherlock said defensively.

"What I'm hearing is you have no proof"

"Wel-" But Sherlock was rudely interrupted by DI Lestrade entering the flat with some papers in hand. At the same time Mycroft walked out of the kitchen.

"Sherlock here..." Lestrade trailed off staring at Mycroft, who was staring right back.
0.2 seconds later is when Mycroft finally spoke.
"Umm h-hi" Mycroft stuttered feeling suddenly flustered.

"hi.."Greg Sqeaked, dropping the papers on the floor.

"Well" Mycroft chuckled

"Ahh Shi- I'm sorry" Greg said dropping to his knees to pick up the papers scattered on the floor. Mycroft helping him pick them up.

Sherlock smirked and Turned to John, who was watching the Awkward Meeting.
"Told you"

Hi, thanks for reading the first oneshot, I came up with this at 1 in the morning, that's when the brain starts to work! Umm I don't own the Characters (I Wish!) And hope you enjoyed.

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