Off we go...

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When I woke up that morning I felt sick knot in my stomach. I sighed and opened my eyes to reveal a darkened, cosy room with little dust particles floating everywhere...
I turned on my side and looked at the sleeping figure next to me. I peered through the darkness at him with a sad look and really didn't want to  wake him up on such a horrible day. I turned and narrowed my eyes to see the time on my alarm clock better.

6:00 am

I sighed again and decided I should get up. Making the bed, I walked to the bathroom and made sure to brush my teeth slowly so I could enjoy the little things of the day I was  regretting, and was sickly excited about. After tending to dental care, and went down the stairs and looked in the fringe, grabbing the eggs and bacon, I closed the door quietly so I wouldn't disturb my fiancés sleep.
He hasn't been getting enough sleep the past few days, I knew why, and I wished I could help him, but sadly I couldn't help, not with that.

I sighed and started the oven knowing that I would have to leave soon. After getting ready and such it was already seven, and I still needed to do somethings before leaving at nine.....

I heard the kitchen door open and arms wrap around me from behind. I sighed and leaned into the embrace, not wanting the warmth to go away.

"Good Morning." Mycroft mumbled into my black hair. I smiled and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him lightly on the lips. He closed his eyes and sighed, which made me frown.

"I can't believe that this is the last time I will get to hug you, and kiss you, and just.... Love you." He whispered. I frowned at that, and narrowed my eyes.

"Don't talk like that, its not good" I answered moving my hands to his shoulders and rubbing comfortingly with my thumb.

"Yes, but we know the truth is always painful."

That made me frown deeply. It disturbed me when he talked like that, it made me afraid. He talked like we would never meet again, like I would never come back.....

I closed my eyes as I felt tears well up in my eyes. Just the thought made my stomach twist painfully. I felt lips press against my forehead and smiled  despite the tossing and turning of my stomach.

" love, you might want to pay attention to the food you are trying to cook."

"Huh? Oh- Dammit!" I yelled as I turned around and noticed the eggs I were cooking we're starting to burn. I tended to them and started to chuckle at how ridiculous the whole situation was.

"So, how long do we have until you have to leave?" Mycroft asked as he sat down on one of the kitchen stools. I turned to look at him and saw him run his hand through his hair. I looked at the clock and felt my stomach tighten.

"a hour an half."

I felt sick knowing we had so little time left until....

"That's hardly enough time." Mycroft pointed out, looking at the glass of water he had gotten himself.

"Yes, hardly..." I agreed, turning my attention to the bacon which I had added to the pan.

"Why?" Mycroft asked.

"Why what?"

"Why are you deciding to leave?" He asked quietly. "I need to understand clearly, Gregory, which I don't."

I chuckled so I didn't cry.

"Well, that's a first." I joked softly.

He looked at me and gave a weak and pained smile, The type of smile that haunts you. I looked into his eyes, they were the same beautiful, sharp, cunning eyes. I memorized every colour, ever detail of his eyes, his icy blue eyes. I knew I would have to leave those eyes.

I looked away, because I could no longer look at him my heart ached so much. I looked at the time.


I sighed, knowing in an hour I would have to walk out that door. I finished with breakfast and put it on two plates.

"Here you go." I said as I set the plate down in front of him.

"I'm not hungry"

As he said that I realized that I wasn't hungry anymore either. I sighed and grabbed the plates and put them on the counter, knowing that I would clean them later. As I set them down I stopped. I looked down at them and knew that I wouldn't be here to clean them later, I would be long gone.

I sucked in a breath, trying to clear the horrible thoughts in my head. I turned to Mycroft and smiled to trying cheer us both up, I should have known it wouldn't work. I closed my eyes and felt arms wrap around me. I placed my head in the crook of his neck and tried to breath. I strained my hearing and listened to his breathing. One.....two......three.....four I counted.

"your counting my breathing."

"Yes." I replied. "It calms me."

We stood there for about 5 minutes, enjoying each other's company. But time was going to fast for comfort. I looked up at the clock again.


I sighed and untangled myself from Mycroft and kissed him on the nose.

"I've got to get ready."

He looked down at me and kissed my head.


I went upstairs and hopped into the shower, letting the hot water sooth me. After my shower I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked into the bedroom and closed the door with a soft click. I looked at the clothing set out for me and closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I walked over to it and picked it up, putting it in front of my body in the mirror as if I was wearing it. I sighed and put it on.

After getting dress I looked around the room and couldn't believe this might be the last time I stand in this room, On this flooring, that this is the last time I will see this bedroom. I took a deep breath and opened the door to the room, and walked out carefully closing if behind me with a ending click.

I looked down the hall, I took in my surroundings, the lamps on the walls, the wood flooring, the windows of the hall, with their shades halfway down.

I walked down the steps slowly, recalling every time I hopped up them, every time I had to drag my feet up them, every time I ran down them to be with Mycroft after he got home from University....too soon I was at the bottom, dying to run back up them one more time, just to recall those memories again.

I looked at the living room, and remembered every time Mycroft and I slept tangled on the uncomfortable blue couch, every time we had Doctor Who marathons, even thought he disliked it, every time we ate popcorn and had started a popcorn fight in which we had to pick up after. Every time I would sleep in his arms after he had come back from being gone for far too long.

Finally I stopped in the kitchen, the same rush of memories came through my mind, every time I would cook with him reading at the table, every time we would bump into each other complaining about not having enough space, every time we made cake that ended in a cake batter fight and licking it off each others faces. I smiled at those memories, and knew that would be all I will have while I'm gone.

I finally stopped at the door and felt my stomach drop. This was it. I felt my fiancé behind me, so I turned around and hugged him. And I just let it all out. I cried and sniffed like a child who's parents were going to be gone for a month, and I didn't want to let go, but I knew I had to.

"Don't be gone too long now, little soldier" I heard Mycroft whisper in my ear.

I leaned up and kissed him. It was slow, comforting, and tragic. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

I turned and opened the door, and looked back at him and smiled despite the tear streaks down my cheeks.

I'll be back sooner than you know it



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