Dinner at Baker Street

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Hi, okay sorry but I'm american. So I tried to do British spelling. Don't know if I did it right. Probably horrible. But okay :)

Greg looked at his mobile and sighed at the text that was sent to him.

John wanted to ask you and my brother over for dinner tonight, feel free to decline - SH

He really didn't have time for Sherlock's annoying attitude today. The Yard had been chaotic. Murder yay. Sherlock had thought it was okay to insult the witness about how stupid she were. Donovan was sending glares Sherlocks way, and Greg had to deal with Donovan's complaints.

I'd love to be there, but I'm to busy doing nothing, sorry - GL

What a shame, how's the headache? - SH

Fine, but why are you asking? You're the one that caused it - GL

Hmm, you are quite right, well I'll tell John your busy, Gavin - SH

Um, its Greg you Idiot - GL

Really? - SH

Well now, as payback, me and your brother are coming to dinner - GL

You cannot be serious - SH

Yep - GL

I hate you, Gavin, you Humour is bitter - SH

Okay #1 Its Greg, again. And #2 my humour is not Bitter - GL

Yes, Graham, yes it is - SH

are you doing that on purpose!? - GL

Be at 221B at 7:00 - SH

Good luck getting my brother to come - SH

Yes that would be a challenge, he was pretty sure Mycroft would decline his offer. Greg shrugged and got Mycrofts number out and sent a text.

You. Me. Baker street. With John and Sherlock. For dinner. - GL


Okay maybe he should have taken a different approach, but he really didn't care.

Greg looked at this phone, sighed knowing what it would say. He picked up the phone and unlocked it.

What? Whyever would we go to Baker street for dinner - MH

Greg smiled, wondering why the Holmeses did the anitials thing. While smiling he typed an answer.

Because we were invited, Idiot :) - GL

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