Life and Death

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There once was a story of life and death.

Both who were put there by Mother Nature.

And one day Life asked Death.

"Why do people have to die, Myc?"

Death looked at Life and sighed, because Life would never understand.

"Because it is part of Life, Gregory" he Replied.

Life looked puzzled as they watched the human beings fight below them, many of the fighters were dying.

"Where do you go when you die, Myc?"

"I don't know, Gregory"

"But your Death, how do you not know?"

Death looked at him and shrugged, unsure how to answer that question.

They heard screams and they saw a child screaming for its mother only to be shot in the head.

Life felt tears well up in his eyes at the sight, he wish he could save them, but he couldn't...

He turned to Death and asked.

"Why do you kill the innocent? Does it not haunt you? Do you not feel their pain?"

Death turned to Life and leaned forward, wiping away his tears, and responded.

"It is the cycle of life, some must die for new ones to be born, it is how it works. If all innocent people live the world will be overcrowded and many will die from starvation, disease, and homelessness. Mother Nature knew this, so she created me, to make sure this does not happen, and so you, Life, will not become lonely in her absence."

Life closed his eyes and sighed. He turned toward the war below, and felt guilt for not saving them, all he wanted was for them to be happy.

"but what is the point of Life, of me, if everything dies in the end?" He asked. "Why hurt them? They are so frail and fragile."

Death looked at the war raging on below them and answered.

"Gregory, it is not my place to tell you, only Mother Nature has the answer."

Life nodded.

Death sighed as well, and watch the war below.

As the seconds ticked by more and more people were killed.

But at the same time, more and more were born into the world, not knowing they were only born to die.

After that, they both never questioned their existence again.

Because they both knew that one more time.

Would break them both.

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