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Greg, Mycroft, Sherlock, and John get stuck in a canyon while hiking.

"We've got to have rope" Sherlock shouted digging in the bag of hiking supplies. " what idiot doesn't pack rope?!"

They had been stuck down in this hole for hours, Sherlock running around complaining about it. Greg took out his Mobile trying to get service, but still had no avail, he sighed. Meanwhile john was waiting for sherlock to calm down, saying soft words to calm said person down, but that didn't work. Mycroft was standing watching Sherlock run around in complete panic and smiling like it was the most amusing thing he has ever seen. All in all it was all john and Greg's fault they were here, they were the ones to suggest hiking as a nice get away from the London air, saying it would be good for the Holmeses and their partners, but here they were stuck in a bloody hole with no way out. Sherlock whipped out his phone, and putting it high above his head in an attempt to get service, he walked around until he jumped up on a rock and let out a cry of triumph.

"What is it?" Greg asked. He would never admit it but he was frightened of small spaces, it sounded ridiculous, but this fear arises when he was kidnapped and locked in a trunk for 4 hours at the age of 10, that's what made him want to be a cop, so he could prevent the terrific event happening to others.

Sherlock didn't answer his question, he just gave Greg the ' what do you think' look and started typing on his screen as quick as possible, then hit send and looked back at them all with a proud look on his smug face, that Greg had the sudden urge to punch.

"I've, unlike you lot, was able to comunicate with someone to get us out of here"
"And who is this someone?" John mumbled, probably just as annoyed as Greg with Sherlock.
"Molly hooper"
"Oh that's just great" john said sarcastically " so how long will we be waiting?"
"John? Whats-"
"Hey? where's Mycroft?" Greg inquired curiously.
"Up here, love." Was the response Greg got.

All 3 of them looked up to see Mycroft Holmes looking down at them from the top of the Hole.

"How did you get out?!" Greg asked incrediously, his jaw threatening to drop, if it already didn't.
"I climbed, Obviously"
"Never mind how, hurry up I've got a meeting tomorrow morning, and your all being rather tedious"

At that moment Greg clarified something.

Mycroft Holmes was a Massive git.

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