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I apologize for the swearing in this chapter.



"What the hell?!"

Mycroft turned to the opening of his office with a concerned look. What in the world was Gregory doing? For the last half an hour, all he had heard was groans and muttered curses from his partner, but hadn't really gotten up to check on him. He had figured his partner would stop, but that didn't seem to be the case.

He sighed and looked back down at the paperwork on his desk. It would have to wait.

"Gregory?" Mycroft stood up from his seat and pushed in the leather chair before turning towards the door. He listened to see if his lover would reply, but he got absolutely nothi-

"What the FUCK!"

There it is.

Mycroft walked out of the room and headed toward where the swears were arising. Mycroft had guessed his partner was doing frustrating paperwork or maybe was having a bad day, maybe he was having trouble finding out where things were? They had just rearranged the kitchen, so finding things was quite a pain.

Well then.

Mycroft was wrong.

It was none of those things.

Greg Lestrade was sitting in the floor, leaning against the counter staring at a bottle.

"What are you doing? All I've heard is cursing from in here," Mycroft asked, giving his partner a confused look.

Greg looked back up at him looking irritated and dejected. Mycroft had a feeling it was all due to the bottle on the floor.

Mycroft walked over to his lover and sat down beside him, leaning against the counter with him. He stared at the bottle as well, as if the object would grant him an answer to his partners large vocabulary of curses. He turned to his partner again.

"Again, what are you doing?" he asked.

Greg looked back over to him with a irritated glance and let out a small mumble. Mycroft raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes.


"I was trying to flip this bottle, okay!" Greg bursted out with frustration.

Mycroft looked at the bottle than back at Greg with confusion.

"Gregory, may I ask why you were trying to do such a thing?"

Greg glared at the bottle and looked down letting his shoulders sag slightly and looking back up at Mycroft, his face scrunched up.

"It's something people have been doing lately so I wanted to see the fuss about it," he stated.

"And I am guessing you can't do it," Mycroft said, a grin starting to form on his smug face.

Greg just shot him a glare.

Mycroft leaned forward, grabbing the bottle that had angered his other half and looked at it. He fiddled with it for about a minute.

"Would you stop with this nonsense and come watch a film with me if I flipped this right now?" He asked.

Greg rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Yeah, sure, good luck tryi-"

Mycroft threw it up, it flipping in the air and landing perfectly on it's cap.

Greg stared and snapped his head to look at a smug Mycroft.

Mycroft smiled at him.

"Well then, what movie would you like to watch?"

They watched the Notebook and feel asleep about half way through, tangled in the other's embrace as the light of the television swept over their sleeping forms.

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