Mark of Death

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Dustin P.O.V. 

I woke up feeling like an elephant was sitting on my head. It then dawned on me that mom probably tranqued me. God, and it's my fault she had to, it had to have pained her to do that as a matter of fact I know it did. How? Because I know she hates seeing me in pain and vice versa. I sat up in bed and followed Axel's scent downstairs to the dining room, where he Uncle John, Melody and Mark sat along with those two Alpha's who rejected my mom and decided their "SIDELINES" should birth their children. The girls were obviously... What's a nice way to put this... Eh, they were sluts. I mean what pregnant woman sits here and check out a fifteen year old boy. Dear God, I promise to go to church every Sunday and Wednesday just please let the eye raping stop. I apparently said that our loud because Axel and Mark roared into laughter, while Uncle John and Melody disguised theirs as coughs... Very TERRIBLY might I add. 

I then smoothly strolled up to Axel and said,"Dad where's mom?" This obviously pissed my mom's EX-Mate's off. They growled furiously while stating together,"She is NOT your mother for she hasn't bore any males children, let alone a Vampire's child." I chuckled darkly and retorted,"Oh great, my mom's EX-Mate's are twin Jacka-" I was cut off by my mom saying,"Dustin Alexander Ravenhood, if you dare finish that sentence I'll take your motorcycle away until you're dead, and then I'll burn it beside your grave." I grimaced at the thought of losing my lover, my baby, my bike. I nodded and walked over to her as soon as I got to her there was a pressure in my head and soon my vision was clouded with the view of a woman identical to my mom falling from the sky with her wings retracted instead of extended she landed in the clearing we passed on the way here. Soon my vision cleared and the gold in mom's eyes began disappearing. She asked,"You saw that, too, because I felt your presence in my head." I nodded she then said,"Good, here take this." She gave me a pistol and kept her Desert Eagle on her hip for herself. We then both rushed to the door only to be met by Axel's steel grey eyes. Mom gave him that 'Look' you know the look that says,"Move of I'll rip your balls off, put them in the blender and feed it to you." Yeah? That look, we rushed outside hopped on our bikes and sped off. 



Colton Starlight- Alpha of Starlight pack now one of the Alpha's of the Broken warriors. Was Rage's first mate, but rejected her and now has the school's slag Vanessa pregnant with his child or so he thinks. He is your average Cocky, Arrogant, and Self-Centered A-hole.

Vincent Ravenhood- Alpha of Ravenhood pack now the other Alpha of the Broken Warriors. Was raised as Rage's brother, yet they have no relations to each other. Was Rage's second mate or so they thought. I mean, Really what was Vincent's reason for leaving at the age of 15? Keep reading and throughout the story let's see of you can find out who wants Rage dead? I'll start leaving hints in the next chapter.

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