Chapter 9 - A whole day with Jinyoung

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     You didn't have school or work since today was your birthday. When you woke up you got ready to go out to treat yourself. As you got dressed you wondered if Jinyoung remembered your birthday, you knew you told him about it before. You were about to leave when you heard a knock at the door, you weren't expecting anyone but you answered the door.

     "Happy birthday, (Y/N)." Jinyoung greeted and held out a piece of paper.

     You were shocked to see him and on top of that he was were an apron and holding a towel. You took the slip of paper from him which read 'One day use of Jinyoung'

     "Thank you . . ! What's this?" You asked, you were a bit confused on what this 'One day use of Jinyoung' coupon was.

     "I'll be your voluntary worker for the day and I will grant all your birthday wishes." He replied with a cute wink.

     You couldn't help but smile, it would be a cute way to spend for birthday. You let him in and your stomach growled loudly. Your face turned red since you knew he heard it.

"S-Sorry I haven't ate breakfast yet." You said quickly.

"I can cook seaweed soup for you." He made his way to the kitchen.

You followed after him and peeked over his shoulder as he started to cook.

     "I never knew you cooked." You said as you watched him.

     "I know how to cook some things." He laughed outing ingredients into the pot.

     After awhile he finished so you went to the table and he served the soup to you.

"Enjoy the meal." He says as he puts down the bowl of soup.

You begin to eat and it was amazing! You expected something normal since he said he cooked some things but it was delicious.

"It taste so good!" You compliment.

     "I knew you'd like it." He smiled and took your empty plate to wash it.

"I could do the dishes." You insist, since this was your house it would be bad to make the visitor do dishes.

"No, it's okay. It's your birthday." He said as he was washing.

     You just watched him as he finished up the dishes and moved on to other house work. After he was finished he asked you;

"What are your birthday wishes?"

"I was going to go shopping earlier so maybe we can do that?" You suggested.

"Anything you want to do." He replied.

     He drove you to one of your favorite stores. Once you both arrived he accompanied you when you looked at clothes and accessories.

     "I'm going to try these on."  You say holding a few cute outfits.

You went into the changing room while he sat near by.  You tried on the first few outfits and modeled them to Jinyoung. You were about to show him the next outfit when it felt alittle too tight.

"Uhm, Jinyoung, can you get this dress one size up?" You ask peeking behind the curtain.

He nodded and went to go find the dress. You took off the dress since it was starting to irritate you until you heard the curtain swing open.

"Sorry!" He said as he closed his eyes, shut the curtain, but still handed you the dress.

You took the dress and put it on. You were finished but you were embarrassed that he just saw you like 'that'. Somehow you built up the courage to go out there. When you saw him his cheeks were a light pink which got darker when he saw you.

"How does it look?" You asked trying to break the awkwardness.

     "It's cute." He replied with a smile.

     You were finished shopping now so you grabbed the clothes you were going to buy and went to the cash register.

     "I can pay for it." Jinyoung said after the cashier said the price.

     "Are you sure?"

     He nodded since he already took out his wallet and was paying.

     "Thank you." You said gratefully.

You both leave and he also carried your bags to the car.

"Any other wishes?" He asked

The sun was setting but there was still time left. You just wanted to spend quality time with him and you were also getting kind of hungry.

"Since you worked very hard today, how about be go out for dinner." You say.

He takes you to a restaurant, you get seats, order, and when your food arrived you eat. After you eat, two servers come, one of them holding a small cake, begin singing happy birthday. You smile at Jinyoung who probably told them it was your birthday.

"Make a wish!" A server exclaimed after they finished singing.

You knew exactly what you wanted, you wanted a kiss from Jinyoung. You guess it would just happen when the time is right but you wished it happened sooner. You closed your eyes, made the wish in your head and blew out the candles. You felt something warm on your lips and once you opened your eyes you saw Jinyoung pulling back and grinning at you.

"That's what you wished for, right?"

The sound of your voice (Jinyoung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now