Chapter 16 - I remember..

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     Jinyoung went straight to your house, he remembered [F/N] mentioning you were going to be discarded so hopefully you were sent home already. He went up to your door and knocked luckily enough, you answered.

     "Hello?" You said as you opened the door.

     "Hello." Jinyoung replied awkwardly, he didn't really know how to begin helping you. You still didn't remember fully remembered him.

     "You're the guy from the hospital? Right?" You examined him.

     "Yes, I am."  Jinyoung said smiling, at least you remembered him from there.

     "I must have known you before, here. Come in." You gestured to come in.

     Jinyoung came in and sat down on the couch as you went to get some water and snacks. When you came back you set the items on the coffee table and sat on the opposite couch.

"Have you regained any of your memories?" Jinyoung asked to begin conversation.

     "I remember my parents and my friends, I have loose memories of from where I work, I still can't believe I managed to remember all of that in such little time, but I still feel like I still don't remember a huge part. " You said scratching your head.  "So what is my relationship with you?" You continued.

     "Well.." Jinyoung became a bit hesitant to answer that question. "We used to date."

     "Oh. . . I still don't remember that." You said awkwardly.

     "Speaking of that, does you recognize this?" Jinyoung said as he took out the necklace and showed it to you.

     You took a good look at the necklace, to be honest it really did look familiar to you.

     "I think I've seen this before!" You exclaimed, was this part of the huge memory you didn't remember? You thought really hard about it. "But I don't remember who gave it to me.." You frowned.

     'Does she really not remember it? Maybe I just have to give her more time? No.. She probably would have recognized it quickly.' Jinyoung thought. The necklace was his only hope of getting your memories back about him. He sighed but there had to be another way.

     "Have you checked your phone? Maybe there are stuff on there that would help you remember." Jinyoung suggested.

     "Oh I've looked on my phone but I still hadn't checked my pictures or music." You said while unlocking your phone.

     You clicked on your gallery and the most recent photos were pictures of you making weird faces into the camera.

     "Wha- how embarrassing!" You felt your face begin to heat up and you put your phone down in your lap.

     "Haha, you're so cute!" He said as he remembered having a good laugh with you like this before, could it be like that again?

     "Uh, thank you... I guess." You said still slightly embarrassed and went back to look at the photos.

     "Oh hey, you're in these ones." You point at your phone.

     "Do you remember anything looking at these photos?"

    "No I can't... I'm sorry." You said sadly, you felt bad not remembering him. He seemed very important to you. "I still have to check music, maybe there is something there."

    "You really like music, you are really good at singing too."

     "Whoa, really?" It was kind of exciting finding out more about yourself.

     As you clicked on the music icon, you went to recently played and saw a familiar song title.

     "What's this?" You asked showing your phone to Jinyoung.

     "That's your favorite song." Jinyoung replied and clicked the play button.

     The song began to play and you began to listen carefully. The song really seemed to fit your liking. Jinyoung began to start singing along to the song then it came to your favorite part and you began to sing too, it sounded so perfect. As you both sang you closed your eyes and it was like you could see two people singing to this song at a karaoke place. The vision you saw went out of your head once the music stopped. Your eyes widened and you turned to Jinyoung, that was a memory.

The sound of your voice (Jinyoung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now