Chapter 10 - Cute Jealousy

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     You woke up early today since you were going to be apart of one of B1A4's Music Videos. The company wanted you to be apart of it, luckily you took drama in high school which might come in handy while shooting the MV but you were also alittle nervous since you never done something like this before and ally of people would see the video. After you got ready you went to the shooting place and once you arrived you saw Baro.

"[Y/N], Are you here to watch is shoot the Music Video?" Baro asked.

"They didn't tell you? I'm going to be apart of it." You replied.

"Wow, really? Good luck." He said.

One of the workers came up to you and told you that they need to take you into the dressing room.

     "Well I have to go now, see you later." You said to Baro and he just nodded and went back to whatever he was doing.

They gave you a dress and shoes to change into, after you were done they put make up on you which took a long time and other accessories for the outfit. When they were finally finished you found Jinyoung already on the set waiting for you.

     "Wow [Y/N], You look beautiful." Jinyoung said smiling at you.

     "Thank you." You looked down at your dress then back at him. "You look handsome." You complimented. He really did though and you couldn't stop staring at him the whole time during the recording.

     "Stop!" Yelled the director. "Do it again, this time with more feeling." He continued.

You felt it was all your fault, you've never done this before but Jinyoung has. You tried your hardest but it still wasn't good enough . . .

     "No, this isn't going to work." He said in a stressed tone he then looked around and saw Gongchan. "Instead of Jinyoung as the lead in this music video I'm going to switch it to Gongchan."

     "Good luck." Jinyoung gave you a thumbs up.

     The workers took you away again to change. As they fixed your hair and did your make up again you wished you weren't going to be a burden again. You went back to the set and saw Gongchan. You were alittle nervous since you had to act lovey with him, you wondered if Jinyoung would get jealous but it was just for a music video so it would be okay, right? You did what you were told and tried your best once again, hopefully this time it was good enough.

     "Perfect!" The Director said excitedly.

You both were finished for the day so you both went to get food from the back while the others started filming their parts.

"Great work." Gongchan said breaking the silence.

"Same to you." You replied, you both were friends but for some reason for you it felt kind of awkward and you didn't know what to do.

     As you both got your food and snacks a worker complimented the both of you on your hard work and how you look good together.

     'Doesn't she already know I'm dating Jinyoung?' You thought to yourself. Luckily Gongchan explained that you two were just friends and you both went on to eating.

"Can we talk after we eat? Somewhere more private?" He asked nervously.

     After you ate you wanted to watch Jinyoung while he was recording but what Gongchan needed to say sounded important so you nodded. Once you were done eating you followed Gongchan to an isolated area.

     "What do you want to talk about?" You asked concerned.

     He closed his eyes and took a deep breath then looked at you with a solemn expression.

"[Y/N], I really like you."

The sound of your voice (Jinyoung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now