Chapter 1

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It's a warm sunny Saturday morning and I'm sitting on the porch watching my lovely daughter Anna play tea with her beautiful little sister Tessa. They love tea time and I love to watch them interact. They are the most beautiful smart sweet little girls a mother could ask for. While I'm sitting and smiling at them I feel a thump in my stomach I guess this little guy is getting jealous. I'm 8 months pregnant and ready to meet this guy, his name is set to be Thomas Amair Jolly. He's going to be the apple of his mother's eyes.

I met my husband Shawn when I had just graduated from college it was far from love at first sight. We met in a bar while me and my best friend Anise was celebrating getting our degrees. I was to become an accountant and she was to become a computer analyst. Shawn was cute and all be he just wasn't my type he had this bad boy thing going on and I was looking for a well groomed man.

4 years earlier

He approached me with his I'm-so-into smile and I narrowed my eyes at him. In my head I was like I dated your type before and so not going there again. He was very persistent he bought me and Anise two rounds of shots and kept coming over to our table.

"Lils give the guy a try, you can't punish him for past experiences" Anise said to me as I was sipping on a cold myx by Nicki Minaj those were my favorite.

"Ok, OK!" I sighed "The next time he comes I'll actually tell him my name." Anise smiles at me delighted. Less than a minute later he approaches our table again.

"Do you lovely ladies want another round of shots?" he says and Anise answers yes before I can say no. His smile grows wider and I can see he has two gold teeth on his bottom k9s and I thought to myself that's kind of sexy so I finally smile back at him. He orders more shots at the bar and then returns.

"So are you going to tell me your name gorgeous?"

"It's Lily and yours?"

"I'm Shawn, so wats the occasion?"

"We just graduated from COB (College of the Bahamas)"

"Awesome! Cheers to that!" and we all clink glasses and took our shots of some sort of sweet rum with an after kick.

By the end of the night Anise was drunk and singing karaoke on stage while I sat giggling next to Shawn who just wouldn't take his eyes off of me. He was starting to grow on me. I had learnt that he had graduated from COB two years ago and now works at our Electrical company here as an engineer.

I had called Anise boyfriend Ryan to pick us up because we were both to drunk to drive. When Ryan had a arrived Anise was talking about her pet turtle "timtim" whom she misses so much but he died when her brother threw him from the 2nd floor at her childhood home. Anise drunk banter had me and Shawn laughing. Ryan came and pick her up and carried her to the car. As I stood up to follow Shawn stopped me.

"Lilly, would it be OK if I gave you a ride home?" he smiled a shy unsure smile at me. I looked at Anise and Ryan sitting in the car laughing and then back at Shawn. I thought to myself he seems nice enough to not try anything and he was the perfect gentleman so why not.

"Sure. Let me just tell Anise and Ryan" and his smile grows bigger and become infectious. I walk to the car and knock on the window, Ryan rolls it down and smiles.

"I'm going to get a ride with Shawn so I'll be good." Anise narrows her eyes at me a slurs something about being safe and using protection and then says to call as soon as I'm at home. I laugh and asure her that I'll be fine.

I walk from the car to a smiling Shawn, he has beautiful dark brown eyes with a straight nose and a smile to die for. So we began to walk to his car. We approach this dark blue 2014 Mercedes Benz with dark tints on the windows. I beam at the car and he smiles at me.

"It was a birthday gift to myself last year."

"She's gorgeous!" I reply smiling


He opens the door for me and glide into my seat while he closes the door then I'm watching him jog around to the drivers side. He climbs in and I watch him as he does so.

"Would you like something to eat? I know this great place that's open late and sell burgers." and when food was mentioned my stomach flips and make a little noise

"Sure. " With my confirmation we head south down the road. We pull up at this little shack that has at least 5 people waiting to be served. He hops out the car and order our food in less than 10 mins he's back.

"Would you like to go somewhere and eat like the beach maybe so you don't mess up your clothes I'm not ready to carry you home." and I laugh and tell no problem.

We pull up at Goodman's Bay Beach and park. He gets both our foods then take off his jacket so that I can sit on it. The beach isn't empty as I expected at 3am their are about 6 other couples sitting and talking. We sit and we dig in talking about our childhoods, TV shows and movies that we like. Turns out we have similar taste and "Love and Basketball" is both our favorite movie. When were done eating we take a stroll hand in hand along the shore of the beach breathing in the salty air and listening to the waves crash against the sand at the shoreline. We talked about everything and I was so surprised how easy it was to have a conversation with him and to think I wasn't going to give him the time of day.

As we sit in the car in comfortable silence with the faint sounds of The Weekend singing the song "Pulling Up" with Meek Mill in the back ground. When we pull off the high way I began to direct him to my apartment that I share with Anise in Coral Harbour one the upscale neighborhoods and he tells me he lives a couple streets up the road. We pull up at my apartment and I thank him for the food again and the ride home. He says the pleasure was all his. As I begin to step out the car he calls to me.

"Hey! I didn't get your number."

I smile "It's 557-0008"

" I'll call as soon as I get in. Have a great night Lily. "

" You to Shawn and Thanks again. "

He watches me walk to my door then open it and I wave goodbye. He pulls off and I look at my phone for the time it's 4:45 am so I send a quick text to Anise she's at Ryan's.

*Hey girl jus gettn in. I'll call you in the morning, we'll talk later lol*

I don't get a response back but why would Anise be up at this hour with the amount of alcohol in her system. I change my clothes and sit idly steering at my phone going over the events of tonight. Then my phone rings and it's and unknown number but I know immediately who it his.

"Hello!" I murmur smiling

"Hi baby!" Shawn says with a deep sexy voice sending chills down my body.

"Glad to hear you made it home safe."

"Yes. I just wanted to hear your voice before I head in, so I'll let you go to bed. Good night sweet dreams Lily!"

" Goodnight! Sweet dreams Shawn. " and then we hang up. On that note I began yawning and laid down. I pulled my favorite fluffy green pillow to my chest and drifted off to sleep. Until suddenly I heard a loud crashing sound outside and pitch out my sleep.

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