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Five years later...

It's been five years since the wedding and we've had two more little cuties added to the family. Anna is now six, Tessa is four and Thomas is four months. What can I say life has been great.

Shawn and I are celebrating our fifth Anniversary tomorrow. Every year we get a room away from the kids to enjoy ourselves and rekindle our love. The kids usually stay at one of our parents house but this year Anise decided she wanted to keep them. She says she wants to practice for parenthood.

Anise and Ryan have been trying for quiet sometime to get pregnant. They visited many doctors and they all told them when the time was right it would happen. She is seven months pregnant now and blissfully happy. Their having a boy, Raymond Linden Carter. I can't wait to meet him.

"Mommy can Tyson sleep with me and Tessy tonight?" Anna asked with her cute dough eyes and a little frown across her face.

"No, I told you Tyson stays outside in the dog house."

Shawn thought it was a good idea to get the girls a puppy last week. And was he wrong? Yes! Just yesterday the girls sneaked him inside and Tyson chewed up Shawn's new Gucci work shoes and pissed on the living room carpet.

"Mommy pwease?" Tessa chimed in with the same face.

"No is no. Now go get ready for your bath I'll be up in a few." I shaked my head and laugh at them.

"We can ask daddy when he reach home." I hear Anna whisper to Tessa as they walked away.

"No you will not!" I say from behind them and they run upstairs.

They know that Shawn will give into anything they tell himhe has them so spoiled and unfortunately I'm known as the bad guy around here. Don't bother me none. He has the girls but I know Thomas will be a mama's boy and I'll make sure of it so we can tag team them.

I walk into Thomas room to check on him. I had just put him down to sleep but I missed him already.

"Hey, wifey" I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and butterfly kisses on my neck.

"Hey, hubby" I blush. You would think by now his presence would stop giving me butterflies but it hasn't. "How's work?"

"Alright. Just couldn't wait to get back to you." He pecked my lips. "How was your day with kids?"

"My boy was good but your girls..." I shook my head "You have them two spoiled. Every time I told the no today they said 'but daddy would of'." I mocked them and Shawn chuckled. "Your going to have to learn how to tell them no ya' know."

"Maybe when there teenagers." He grabs my butt and walks out Thomas's room.

"It'll be to late by then." I say following him to our room and he doesn't answer me.

He pulls me down on him so that I'm straddling his lap as he sits on the bed.

"Enough about those girls. How is my wife?" he kissed my lips.

"Missing you, papi." I moved my hips in a circular motion.

"Oh baby, I love it when you talk to me dirty." He gripped my hips and I squealed. "Tell papi what you want him to do to you." He trailed kisses up my neck landing on my lips.

In the midst of being turned on by my husband I hear a chorus of "Eww daddy!" and giggling.

"These girls are going to be the death of me." I whispered and drop my head on his shoulder.

"Bath time. Let's go." I got up and lead them to the bathroom.

After washing soap out of Tessa's eyes twice and drying Anna's hair I finally got them in bed. I read them there favorite story 'Cinderella' and they were knocked out. I then made sure Thomas's baby monitor was on and he was still asleep.

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