Chapter 10

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Lily has been my dream girl for awhile now and getting to know her has been my dream come through. She is everything I could of asked for in a girl she's perfect, at least to me. She's beautiful, smart, sexy, generous, independent, funny and the list goes on and on.

When she told me she was pregnant I was furious but I had to be supportive because I wanted her in my life and it wasn't like Corey was here to help her out if anything. I started to think to myself if I could take in a woman who's pregnant with another man's child. I don't know if I'm father material or even if she wants me to help out but I owe it to her cause somehow I feel responsible.

I haven't spoken to Lilly for two days now because I was avoiding her until I knew what I wanted to do. I knew I had strong feelings for her and my feelings were different from what I had felt in past relationships. Lily was a rare, unique jewel that I just had to have and I'll accept her any way I can. 

While I was going over the pros and cons of my relationship with Lilly I got a call from my boy Rumbo.

"What's up?" I answered

"Everything level" he replied

"Cool cool. What it do my nigga?" I said

"Supply is low and the demand is getting higher bro, so I wanna know when's the next shipment?"

"Well as you know Jay is still laid up in the hospital since the accident so I've been handling business on my own and you know I lay low so give me some time I should get to you by next week".

"iight cool. Link up."

"Yeah bro" I said then hung up.

Business has been hectic these last few months between working my 9-5 job at the electricity company and holding down mine and Jay's business by myself. Let me say the struggle was real.

Jay was in a car accident a few months back. The same one that killed Corey. I didn't have the heart to tell Lily but I hate keeping it away from her. I felt that if I didn't tell her I was protecting her from the hurt she would feel all over again. I had only found out that day when I ran into her at my aunts food store. Aunt Janeen had just told me it was the same accident and I was furious then lashed out on her. Apparently Jay was had just made a drop and a black car with tints was following him. He was trying to loose the person and not paying attention to the road ahead he crashed into Corey's vehicle causing it to flip then hit a wall. Jay flew forward through the windshield bruising a few ribs and breaking his left hand.  

I decided to call Lily because honestly avoiding her was silly. I missed her so much.

"Hello?" she answered on the third ring.

"How you doing?"

"I'm good, you?"

"Missing you!" I told her.

"I miss you to. You can come over if you want." she stated

"Can I spend the night?"

"Yea I guess so." 

"You sure? I don't want to intrude." I said

"Your not intruding. Nise is by Ry and I'm home alone so company will be great."

"OK, I'll be there in a few."

"On your way can you get me a Hershey cookies and cream and some oatmeal cookies pleaseee. " she said in the cutest baby voice and I chuckle.

"OK baby." I said then hang up.

I guess she's going through that craving thingy I hear all my boys talk about. I grab a change of clothes and my keys and head to the store then to Lily's. I arrived at her place around nine pm. I'm on her porch knocking on the door for about ten minutes before I hear her scream 'coming'.

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