Chapter 17

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I didn't edit so excuse my mistakes

Enjoy xo


Blood was everywhere in the living room.

Melissa stood there crying and her body was trembling. I assumed she was in shock of what she had just done.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" she said shaking and grabbing at the strands in her hair. "I I I didn't me to." she said.

"You bitch!" I shouted at her. I kneeled down to hold Shawn head in my hands. "Get out of my fucking house!" I shouted with tears coming down my face.

"I'm sorry." she said again and through the gun on the floor. "I didn't want to hurt him, I wanted you dead you. YOU! You mess up everything!" she shouted. She bend down and pick up the gun. "Your a dead bitch." she whisper yell through gritted teeth and opening her eyes wide.

"Nooo" Shawn whispered with pain laced in his voice.

Melissa pointed the gun at me. I was crying and praying for Anna's safety. I got on my feet and held my hands in the front of me to try calm her down.

"You don't want to do this.... I'm sorry.... Just let me live for my daughter... I'm honestly sorry." I said through sobs and trying to inch away.

"Stop moving!" she shouted and wipe tears from her eyes. "You made me shot him, I shot my cousin and your going to pay. You made me do this." she said with raging eyes.

"I'm so sorry." I cried. She held the gun tighter and placed her finger on the trigger.

"You ruined everyth-" her sentence was cut short and she drop to the floor landing on her face.

I looked around to see the guy from next door standing there with a plastic gun. He walked in the house and went straight to Shawn and started examining his wound.

"Are you ok?" he asked and I was speechless. I've never seen anyone die in the front of me before so I was stunned.

"AHHHH!" I screamed loud.

"Calm down. Lily is it?" he asked and I nodded. "I didn't killer, it's just a tranquilizer. She going to sleep for awhile and I have already call the police." he said trying to calm me down.

I started to get dizzy and I went to walk in the room to Anna but everything was blurry and then it just went black.


Anna, Anna are you OK? Mommy loves you!

"Anna" I whispered then pitched up.

"She's alright, baby" my mom hugged me.

"Where's Shawn? What happened to Melissa? What happened to me?" I asked in a rush after a while and taking in my surroundings. I was home in my bed.

"Shhh" she rubbed my back and held me tighter. "Shawn is in the hospital he had surgery to get the bullet out and Melissa is in the mental ward there." she said.

"I have to go see him mommy" I let her go to get up to get Anna. As soon as I stood up I lost my balance and fell back on the bed. "what happen to me?" I asked.

"When you fainted you hit your head. The doctor said your fine, you'll just be a little lite headed for a few days. Greg made sure you and Anna was safe until the paramedics arrived."

"Greg?" I asked confused.

"Your neighbor" she said.

"Oh he shot Melissa with some type tranquilizer gun right before she went to shoot me. He saved me mommy." I smiled at her

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