Chapter 18

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Three weeks later....

I was still at my parents house because I couldn't find a place that I liked, my mom was a big help with Anna but my parents were driving me crazy. I loved them with all my heart but I was tired.

Shawn had been out of the hospital for two days now and me and Anna were spending the day there. Shawn was laid up in bed watching television and I had just laid Anna down for her nap. I climb into bed with Shawn and wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest.

"Babe? You OK?" he asked.

"Yea... I'm just so happy that your here." I replied.

He kissed the top of my head and whispered "I love you."

"Love you more" I hugged him tighter.

"I have something for you" he said and I raised my head to look at him. "Open that draw right over there" he pointed. I got up and went to the draw and just stood there. "Open the draw" he chuckled.

"What is it?" I asked pulling out a small, white squared box.

"Open it." he smiled.

"OK" I smiled back. I opened the box and it was a pair if diamond earrings. "Babe? What's this for?" I said looking at Shawn.

"It's just a thank you gift." he said

"Thank you for what? I'm only doing what a girlfriend is so supposed to do."

"Yeas but you do it so well I want you to know I appreciate you."

"Thank you. Your the best." I pecked his lips.

"Will you and Anna move in with me?" he asked

"You really want us to? I don't want to be a burden on you." I said

"Baby you will never be a burden on me." he said pulling me on him top of him and I straddled his lap.

"I love you." I whispered then kissed his lip.

"Is that a yes?" he asked

"No but I appreciate your offer. I'll move in with you when I become your wife." I told him.

"I could live with that." he kissed my lips. "soon tho" he smirked and I raised my brow. "I love you too" he chuckled then captured my lips in a heated kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss and he cupped my hips in both of his hands as our tongues and lips move in sync. I felt his dick harden under me and I grind my hips on him for confirmation.

"You sure?" he breath out and I nodded. His kiss became more passionate and I could of felt the lust in the air.

He raised up my dress and pulled it over my head and stared at me with hooded eyes.

"What happen?" I blushed.

"Your so beautiful." he whispered and began sucking on my neck sending chills down my spine. As he kissed me he began to unhook my brazier freeing my plump breast. He cupped them both with his strong and hands then tendering sucked on both of them causing my juices to flow in my panties.

I began pushing down his basketball shorts and boxer with my legs while he continued sucking on each breast that cause my body to become more heated. When I finally got his pants and boxers off I began rubbing his hard member with my hands.

He captured my lips once again in a heated and very passionate kiss. My hips began rocking against his fingers that he had just slipped in my panties. In one fast move he flipped us over and he was hovering over me.

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