Chapter 7

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It's been two days since I found out I was pregnant. I replayed that night with Corey over and over in my head a millions times. I'm still in shock I have yet to tell anybody about my pregnancy. I told Anise it was just a bug and I haven't really spoken to Shawn much since I found out because I've just been avoiding him. I know he's not my boyfriend but I know what we have is real. How am I suppose to tell him I'm pregnant with the dead ex boyfriend child? OMG! I think reality just kicked in.

My day at work dragged on slowly as soon as five came I packed up and left. I'm really scared to say I'm pregnant out loud because then it becomes real. I keep wondering if I'm ready for this responsibility. To late, ready or now here he/she comes. My subconscious reminds me. Abortion isn't even an options for me I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

The week goes by fast I stick to a routine wake up by six, get breakfast, reach to work for nine, take lunch at two, leave work at five and sleep and watch TV all evening. It's been working out fine for me especially how I'm always sleepy. Dr. James says that's perfectly normal.

As I was laying down watching an old episode of 'Full House' on TV I hear a knock on the door and then Anise poke her head through the cracks in the door.

"Can I come in?" she asked and I nod.
"What's going on with you? I feel like I haven't seen or spoken to you in weeks and we live together." she said as she climbed on my bed and sit Indian style.

"Nothing" I groan

"Tell me what's up babe." she said and gave me a side eye look like you-better-talk-bitch. I'm not sure if I'm ready to say it loud then it's going to be true.

"Tell me!" she said and gave me the puppy dog eyes and then she pouted like a five year old.

"OK, OK. Promise me that you won't overreact because I'm already doing that for myself." I said and she nods.

"I promise"

"So you kno how I went to the doctor the other day right? "

" Your not dying are you? Because I don't think I could handle that your my best friend and the only sister I've ever had I don't want-" I cut her off by covering her mouth with my hand and I giggle. She's so dramatic.

"I'm pregn-"she cuts me off by screaming and bouncing in the bed.

"OMG! Your having a baby! I can't believe this." she squeals and I look at her with a straight face.

Reality hits her and she pauses for a moment.

"Lil" she says and hold up her index finger "You said you and Shawn never did anything. So how you pregnant? "

"It's.. " I begin to say.

"OMG it's Corey's " she said and frowns then pull me into a hug. She pulled away I saw tears in her eyes.

"Why you crying Nise?"

"Because your baby will never know Corey" she said and I get extra emotional and started to cry to.

We hold each and cry for what felt like hours but it was only a few minutes.

After Anise left I laid down on the bed staring at the ceiling. I thought about if this had happened last year how much better I would of felt about it because I would have been able to share this with Corey. Corey would have been so happy he always wanted a Lil girl. Oh I hope this baby is a girl. I want her to have her father's big brown eyes and his straight white teeth and his curly hair with my sharp nose and plump lips. As I imagine what she would look like I start to cry again. Corey's not here to see her when she comes. I hear a notification on my phone so I sit up to get it from the edge of the bed. It's a text from Shawn.

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