Chapter 14 (Filler)

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"5....4....3....2....1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!" we all shouted.

Shawn and I was at my parents annual New Years party. It was always held at a five star location and this year was no different. It was at the Atlantis Ball Room over at Paradise Island. The theme was "To A Crystal Clear New Year".

The room was breathtakingly beautiful. The square glass tables were decorated with white plates that had napkins with a purple lillys resting in them and white bamboo chairs were lined up around the tables. A tall clear vase with pink roses and tall white candles on the side was the beautiful center peice. Also the petals from the pink roses was scattered all over the center of the table around small lit candles giving the room a sweet adoring scent.

"New Year" he kissed my lips "New Beginnings" he rubbed my stomach. "I love you" he whispered then we kissed.

"Love you, Handsome." I replied. Then picked his lips.

My parents walked over to us hand in hand and smiling from ear to ear. I wished one day that my future would be as bright as there love that shined through their eyes. I loved my parents and I loved they way they loved each other.

"There's my princess" my dad said hugging me and then he shaked Shawn's hand. Mom was just smiling as she held on to dad's arm.

"Happy New Year" I said to them both then put one arm around Shawn's waist and he rest his hand on the small of my back.

"Happy New Year, baby" mom said.

"New beginnings for you baby and I wish you the best." she smiled "Your going to be an awesome mom I can see it already" she cooed.

"She had the best" my dad complimented my mom and she pushed his shoulder playfully and blushed.

"Thank you, honey" she cooed and kissed his cheek. They were to lovey dovey for me so I made an excuse to leave.

"Were leaving now. See you guys later" I said

"Already? The party just started." my dad complained

"I know but my feet hurt and I am pregnant you know" I said

"Go, you party pooper." my mom said causing both me and Shawn to laugh.

"See you guys later. Love you both."

"Love you to" they waved me off.

"Let's go babe." I told Shawn.

The ride to Shawn's place was short and sweet but I guess that's because I slept the whole way there. He told me we arrived and I got up and we both walked to the door.

I was smiling because I knew my surprise was ready and waiting for him. When we got inside I told him I had to use the restroom. I slipped right inside the downstairs guest room and changed into a black laced one peice lingerie set that fanned over my stomach with a cute thong.

After I looked in the mirror I felt instantly embarrassed to even show Shawn. I was fat, ugly and pregnant. I slumped to the floor and breathed in heavily.

'Ughhhh this is so not attractive' I groaned to myself sitting on the floor Indian style.

"Lily!" I heard Shawn shouting. I sprung up from the floor then rushed to put something on over the lingerie before he saw me but I wasn't quick enough.

"Damn babe you look sexy." he said licking his lips.

"Yea right!" I said sarcastically.

"But you do." he said I frowned "Evans the matter?" he said walking towards me then he pulled my chin up to look at him.

"I'm big round and pregnant." I whined

"And you look beautiful, baby" he said. He pulled me over to the sealing to floor mirror and stood behind me. "You the most beautiful pregnant girl there is. You are growing life inside and that's a wonderful thing don't let the image it portrays now tear you down."

I smiled looking at myself after he said those words. Our eyes met in the mirror and I turned around rapped my arms around him and told him "Thank you"

"It's my job babe and I love it" he kissed my lips.

"I actually have a surprise for you." I told him when we pulled away from the kiss.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Close your eyes and let me lead you to it." I told him.

I lead him upstairs to the master bathroom where the jacuzzi was filled with a hot bubble bath and petals thrown a cross the top. Candles were all around the tub so I lit them and turned on the soft music.

"Can I look now?" Shawn asked.

"Open your eyes." I cooed

"Damn babe." he said taking it all in.

"It was supposed to have been you Christmas present but your mom and the girls came early so I saved it for New Years. So TADA!" I said opening my arms.

"Thank you baby" he said then I stripped him off his clothes leaving him in his boxers then lead him to the jacuzzi.

He stepped in first then helped me in. We enjoyed the remaining of the early morning hours in a relaxed hot bath while he drank a kalik and I had a wine glass of orange juice.

"Happy New Year, baby" he whispered in my ear from behind me then kissed my neck.

"Happy New Year"


Kalik is a Bahamian beer in case you were wondering.

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