Chapter 4

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"Anise what's wrong?" I ask panicking

"Ccccory" she stutters

"What happened to him?" Now I'm freaking terrified.

"Ryan said that he was in a car accident about 3 hours ago but he doesn't think he's alive" My eyes tear open and I begin shaking.

"No, no, no this can't be happening. " I say while crying and holding my head.

"I told Ryan to come for us so we can go with him to the hospital" She said with teary eyes.

We were both sitting on the sofa holding each other as we waited for Ryan. 'Please don't let him die Lord' I kept repeating in my head over and over. No I was not in love with Corey like how I used to be but I still loved and cared for him as friend. Corey was my first at everything and I didn't want him to loose his life.

Ryan honks his horn and we both run out the house to the car. In the car are two of Ryan's other friends John and Danny there friends of Corey to. Ryan is speeding to the hospital while we all sit in the car in silence. Everybody in there own thoughts about Corey.

When we arrived at the hospital nobody would tell us anything because we weren't family. We sat down hoping to see any relative of Corey but we saw nobody. We waited around for two hours straight nervous and still nobody. After about three hours we decided to leave and go to Corey's parents house. At this point I was totally freaking out. I kept replaying that night me and Corey was together over and over in my head. I kept thinking what if I stayed with him would we be home right now happy or would we both have been in that car. The tears kept coming and just wouldn't stop. Corey was either dead or seriously injured but I didn't know.

We pull up the drive was at the Davis's home. Ryan came out the car first to make sure it was OK for us all to come in. A distraught Mr. Davis opens the door with a tissue in his hand talking to Ryan. Although I couldn't hear what they were saying I was just expecting the worst but still praying for the best. Ryan walks back to the car and sit inside and doesn't say a word.

"So? " Anise said

" He's gone"

With those two words I block out everything and my world came crashing down. My first love Corey Davis is gone. I will never see those brown eyes, feel his touch or even argue with him again. As reality set in I ran out the car to the front door. Mrs. Davis opens the door and I wrap my body around her and neither of us said a word we just held onto each other and cried. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will never see there son again and I cried for them even more. When Mrs. Davis pulls back and I let her go I see all of Coreys siblings sitting watching us. I even spotted Melissa but I decided to ignore her cause this was not the time or place to deal with her.

"Would you like to stay for awhile sweetie? "

" I would love to but I have to go Mrs. Davis. " I said while wiping the tears from my eyes. I couldn't stay there any longer that house held to many memories of Corey and that bitch Melissa was there. Why was she there? I asked myself.

" OK sweetie, just don't be a stranger. "

" Yes ma'am " I replied and left

When I'm back at the car Anise wraps me in her arms and whispers encouraging words to me but all I can think of is how the last time I saw Corey I kicked him out when all he wanted was me back.

" Melissa was in there" I say after I calmed down a bit.
"WHAT? "Anise said wide eyed

" She was sitting with Corey's little brother Dylan. "

" It's OK baby" Anise said while smoothing my hair off my face.

When we are back home I curl up in bed and sleep for awhile to get rid of the headache I had developed from crying all day. When I woke I hear voices in the front room talking so I got up to see who's out there. I walked out to see Shawn, Anise and Ryan talking. Anise notices me first and smiles then Shawn turns and frowns at me.

"Are you OK baby? "

" I'm OK now, but what are you doing here? "

" I called and texted you a few times but I didn't get a reply so I decided to come see you"

"Oh" I smiled. He wraps his arms around me and for once all day I felt a little at ease. This man is doing stuff to me that no one has.

I lead him in to my room then we're on the bed and he's cradling me in his lap. I feel safe and content in his arms, I love this feeling. We began talking and I'm telling him all about Corey. I know it might be a lil wired but he's listening and his facial expression shows he's really interested.

While we're talking I'm wondering if it's ok if I tell him about the other night with Corey. I mean it's not like it's going to happen again, so I decided to tell him. I was surprised to see how well he handled it. He said understood and this happen for a reason. Could this man be the one? I hope so, I really do.

Shawn decided to leave when he saw I was getting really tired.

"Are we still on for tomorrow? We can cancel if your not for it. " he asked

" Of course. I'm looking forward to it. " I said and pecked him on the cheek.

" Ok. See you tomorrow at 6. I'll pick you up"

"Ok" I replied smiling from ear to ear. He wraped me into his arms and kissed me then he left.

When Shawn is gone I go to check on Anise. Her and Ryan are laying down in her room watching TV.

"You good babe? " Anise said when she notices me by the door.

" Yea. I'm off to bed. Good night! "

" Goodnight " her and Ryan said in unison. I smiled at my best friend and Ryan and went to my room.

I laid down steering at the ceiling thinking about the day I had and how Shawn made it a bit better. Before I knew it I was sleeping.


I just left Lily's place and I'm heading home. I can't believe I finally got the opportunity to talk to her. See I've had this crush on her for awhile now. Her and Anise would come to my aunt's food store every Sunday to grocery shop. I first noticed Lily about four months ago and never knew how to approach her. Lily had these beautiful brown eyes that captured my soul, she was short and thick in all the right places. I liked her from the jump but was to chicken to talk to her. I would go every Sunday to the shop just to see her.

That night at the bar when we met the only thing that helped me to talk to her was the Hennessy I was drinking. It gave me the liquid courage I need to finally get the girl of my dreams. Although she turned me down a few times I just wasn't giving up. I don't know what caused her to change her mind but I'm happy she did.

Lily is hurting over the lost of her ex and nothing I want more is to heal her heart and love her for the woman she is. She told me about the night with her the guy but I didn't mind cause it wasn't like it's going to happen again. Lily is a great person so I won't judge her for that.

I finally reached home and began arranging with my friend Mike to use his boat for tomorrow I want to carry Lily to see the coast at night. I know she's going to love it and can't wait to see her face.

When it come to Lily I swear I act like a high school girl. I'm always smiling at her and always finding a reason to kiss her. I just want to make her mine and spoil her. After all the arrangements are made I lay down dreaming of her brown eyes and her cute smile. My Lily.

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