Chapter 16

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I was laying in bed staring at my new baby girl, Shawn was standing beside me just as mesmerized as me. I heard the door crack then came in was my mom, dad, Anise and Ryan.

"Look at my grand baby yall" my mom said with tears in her eyes and my dad just smiled then rubbed her shoulders.

"She's beautiful like her mom" my dad complimented me and the baby.

"Thank you, would you like to hold her grandma?" I ask my mom.

"Of course." she giggled then wiped her tears away.  "Were going to have to work on this grandma thing." she said.

"What grandma thing?" Anise asked.

"It makes me feel old. She's going to call me 'Nana'." my mom answered and we all laughed. "Hi there baby girl, I'm your nana and I'm going to spoil you rotten just like your mommy." my mom said to the baby.

"Now listen young lady, no boys until your 50 and I'm going to love you and protect you forever." my dad said to the baby causing us all to laugh.

"What's her name?" Ryan asked.

"Annalise Cordell Greene"

"Annalise" Anise cooed and tears build in her eyes. "You named her after me?"  she said holding her heart.

"No" I joked "Of course I did. Your her godmother and my rock." I said.

"I love you Lil"

"Love you to, babe."


It had been a month now since I've had Anna and I knew I had to tell Corey's parents about the baby. I had procrastinated for far to long. I was just so afraid  of there reactions to the news.

I was parked in there driveway for about 15 minutes trying to gain the confidence to walk out the car and tell them. I heard a knock on the window and pitched. When I turned it was Corey's older brother, Cordero.

"Lilly?" he questioned a bit surprised then I rolled down the window.

"In the flesh." I joked and regretted it immediately.

"How are you? Why are you just sitting here." he asked.

"I'm doing good. Is your parents home?" I asked cutting to the chase.

"Yea, they're right inside. Is something wrong, Lilly?" he asked. I guessed he could of since my fear so I decided to tell him. This could of went two ways he could of run me and kept it from his parents or he could help me tell them.

"Ok, I'm just going to cut to the chase on this one cause I do not know how to sugar coat this." I began babbling.

"Just spit it out." he said.

"I had Corey's baby. That's her in the car seat." I pointed to the car seat in the back.

Confusion was written across his face and I knew I had to explain. "How?" he asked.

"Can we go inside so I can tell the story one time?" I asked.


I got out the car and walked around to the back to get Anna. Cordero leaded the way to the house. Every step I made I wanted to turn back and go home. I was afraid.

I was seated in the living room by myself just staring at Anna and coming up with different ways to tell them.

Maybe I should just show them her she looked every bit of her father
Just say this is your grandchild
I should just make a run for it and wait until Anna could talk and she can tell them herself.

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