Chapter 15

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At this point I was just huge, tired and ready to get Baby A out of me.  What was taking her so long? I would really like to know.  It was March now and she was due any minute now.

"Ms. Greene, please go home and don't come back until you give birth." Mrs. Jones pleaded with me. I was sitting at my desk finishing up some paper work. Mrs. Jones was pleading with me all that week to stay home until I had the baby but I was determined to work until she came. I wanted to spend as much time possible with her while I was on maternity leave.

"Nope" I shaked my head side to side.

"Stubborn" Mrs. Jones chuckled then walked out my office.

"I know" I shouted behind her and giggle.

The phone on my desk began to ring.

"JSP & Associates this is Lily Greene, how may I help." I answered.

"We'll don't you sound professional" Anise giggled

"Whatever" I said

"I'm downstairs let's go and waddle fast please." she laughed harder. For the past 3 months she made it her business to make jokes about my waddling.

I sucked my teeth "Give me a minute" I told her and hang up.

From I turned seven months Mrs. Jones insisted that I worked until 1pm each day. I didn't mind gave me more time to sleep since I was always tired.

I paged Mrs. Jones office from my desk phone.
"Im leaving now I'll see you tomorrow."

"Dont come back unless your bringing that baby for me to see." she said

"OK, first thing in the morning" I laughed

"Enjoy the rest of your day Ms. Greene and please give birth" she laughed

"I'll try" I giggled then hung up.

When I got in the car with Anise she was laughing so hard she was fighting to breathe.

"Whats so funny?" I asked while stepping in the car.

"The fact that your waddling has gotten worst girl."

I sucked my teeth "Whatever, bitch. I'm nine months pregnant. Talk to me when Ry gat your ass lookin like this. " I snorted then whipped my hair to the side. Anise just laughed more.

"Hey girly!" I heard from the back seat. I was to busy getting at Nise that I didn't realize the two girls in the back. One was Anise's cousin Raea on her father's side and the next was her cousin Jazmine on her mother's side. Both of them had a bubbly personality that I liked but Jaz could switch fast if you piss her off. Raea on the other hand was just to humble and sweet for her own good.

"Heyyyy" I sang stretching out the 'y' sound. "How are you two?"

"I'm good" Rae said while Jaz said "Making it, boo."

"A lot has changed since the time I saw you." Jaz said the chuckled at the end.

"Oh yes! Just patiently waiting on my bundle of joy to come out." I smiled and rubbed my tummy.

"What are you having?" Raea asked

"A princess" I responded

"Girl, why you gatta be so extra?" Anise snorted

"Keep your eyes on the road." I lashed back and pointed forward. I heard the girls in the back laughed and Anise just raised her middle finger at me. "How rude?"

"You picked a name yet?" Jaz asked.

"Nope, but I have been calling her 'Baby A' the entire pregnancy so I'm thinking something with 'A'. I know her father would like that."

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