Chapter 8

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It's been four months and three days since I found out I was pregnant. I have yet to tell my parents and Shawn. It's been hard trying to hide a pregnancy but I can't hide it any longer my stomach is starting to swell. I told my boss at work and she said I've been doing an exceptional job at work so they will give me time off for the baby but unfortunately I won't be getting paid because I haven't been working for the company long enough.

Anise and I just came from Out Back Steak House and surprisingly my dinner is still down. Over the last four months I have learnt what Baby A loved to eat and don't like to eat. It's been a very hard learning processes but I think I got it.

"Soooo? What you going to do girl? This secret can't last any longer. Your jeans can't button and your stomach starting to show, you have to tell Shawn and your parents." Anise said as we rode in the car on our way home. Anise was driving that night.

"I knoww" I whined "But I'm scared Nise. What if my parents disown me?" I questioned.

"You work, girl and I have your back 110%" she said.

"Thanks" I smiled "What If Shawn leaves me? I know he will and I've grown so attached to him I don't think I could handle that." I said honestly and began to sob. My emotions have been sprawling lately.

"He's a good man and he'll show you he's better by staying anyway." she said

"What man you know is going to stay with a pregnant girl and the baby is not there own Hmm?" I questioned.

"He will and if he don't imma be your baby daddy." Anise said and we both start laughing.

"I love you" I told her honestly. I don't kno what I'll do with out my best friend and sister. She reached over and rubbed my hand.

"I love you too. Now stop crying were home." she said and smiled at me.


Shawn and I was laid up on my bed watching an old episode of the Fresh Prince of Belair. For the past week we have spent every night together watching TV, playing games, cuddling and having oral sex. I told him I wasn't ready to go the extra step as yet but I did my best to keep him happy. So we're laying down and I say to myself 'It's now or never'. I take a deep breath and began to talk.

"Shawn, I have have something to tell you?" I said and turn to look at him so I could guage his reaction.

"What's that, baby" he said and kissed my forehead.

"Well I don't know how to exactly say it because I know what I'm about to say is going to ruin us." I said and looked down at my hands.

"Baby, I don't think nothing you can tell me can ruin us." he said confidently

"Baby, I know this will." I said and began to cry. Damn hormones.

"Don't cry, Lil" he said and wiped my tears with the pad of his thumb.

"I'm pregnant." I sob and looked at him. I watched as his faced changed from surprise, angry and then worry.

"How?" he simply said.

"Remember that night I told you about Corey and I?" I said and he shaked his head "It was the last time I had sex and the baby is Corey's own." By the time I was done with that sentence I was full on crying. I kept wiping my face but the tears wouldn't stop from falling.

"I'm so sorry... " I began to say but he crashed his lips to mine and began to kiss me soft.

"Don't be" he whispered against my lips and continued to kiss me.

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