Chapter 9

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I was driving in my car headed to my parents house for dinner. I was so afraid and anxious to give them the news. I kept thinking my father would disown me and my mother would be disappointed. I know I'm 23 have my degree, living on my own, have my own car and pay my own bills now that daddy stop paying them. But I still felt nervous to tell them. They are my family and the people I valued the most so there reactions to my news matters more than anything.

I pulled up into the driveway of my childhood home and did my best to think positively. Tonight would change my life forever and I wanted it to go the best way it could of possibly went. 

The house wasn't a huge house like what you would expect a doctor to live in. My dad always said 'what do we need a big house for its only three of us'. When my parents got married dad was still in medical school finishing up his internship and mom was a manager at a local clothing store. So the house wasn't much but as years went by we modernized it to our liking. It was best looking on the block, we had three bedroom, two bathroom, a kitchen, living room and dinning room. It wasn't much but we were comfortable.

I stood on the patio for what felt like hours before I built up the courage to knock on the door. Just as I was about to knock the door flew open and I knocked my father right in the face.

"Ow!" he groaned

"Sorry dad!" I squealed then covered my mouth with both hands.

"Trying kill you old man already?!" he teased.

"Ha ha" I said dryly and moved my head side to side.

"So how's my baby girl?" he said while pulling me into a hug.

"Awesome daddy." 

"I've missed you." he whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Missed you to daddy" I said then hugged him tighter because I knew after he knew what I was about to tell him he would be angry.

"What's wrong baby girl? " he said and step back to look at me.

"Nothing" I said and he raised and eyebrow "Honest" I said and smiled.

"Well OK. I'm headed to the store for your mother BRB" he shouted as he walked to his car.

I walked into the house and smelt my mother's pot instantly. It smelt like meatloaf and boiled broccoli. Since becoming pregnant i grew a seventh sense for identifying food. Scary, I know.

Mom was leaning against the island in the middle of the kitchen sipping in some red wine and watching the news. Mom was stood about 5'5 and had curves in all the right places. She was a knock out and dad was lucky to have her.

"Mommy" I said to capture her attention

"My baby's here" she practically shouted and beamed at me.

"I've missed you" I said laughing and hugging her tight while rocking side to side.

"I've missed my only baby to." she said beaming.

"How have you been?" I questioned.

"Better now that your here but otherwise good." she smiled

"That's good." I smiled

"Honey your glowing."

"I am?"

"Yes and your getting fat." she scolded me.

"Thanks" I said sarcastically and shrug.

"I can still beat you, you know? Woman or not your still my child. Now let me look at you." she demanded. She spun me around and held me by my shoulders staring at me.

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