Chapter 6

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It's been two weeks since Corey's funeral. I'm still getting used to the fact that I'll never see him again. With the help of Anise and Shawn I've been coping well.

Shawn and I had our first date three weeks ago and we have basically seen each other every day since. Things between us have been wonderful. I've found a job at an accounting firm named JSP and Associates, tomorrow which is Monday will be my first day of work. I'm really nervous about it I hate new experiences.

"Babe?" Shawn spoke interrupting my thoughts so I look at him. We were laying down in a hammock in the back of his yard feeling the ocean breeze. Shawn lived in a three story house with an elevator, he had five bedrooms, six and a half bath, a kitchen, dining room, a living room, a game room/theater, a office, a pool of course and the beach in his back yard. This dude was living large and in charge. His home was phenomenal to say the least. "Your excited about tomorrow?"

"No, I'm scared. "

"Why? " he questioned

"I don't like new situations." I answered. He just looked at me and smiled. He assured me that everything will be ok and I'd be great.

We spent most of our Sunday evening relaxing and enjoying each other's company. We watched movies, eat, chilled and played games. There was never a dull moment between us and I loved that. We had that chemistry that people talked about.

"I don't want you to leave." Shawn said nibbling on my neck as we stood in front of his front door.

"But I have to." I whined "Tomorrow is my first day and I don't want to be late." I said then kiss his lips.

"Only because" he kissed me again.

"I'll see you later." I said while pulling away from his embrace.

"OK... Baby... I'm... Gonna... Miss... You." he said between kisses making me giggle.

"Imma miss you to." I said while giggling.

I walked out the door and made my way to my car. I drove a 2014 Honda Inspire. Shawn was still standing on the porch as I back out the yard. As soon as I got on to the road I beeped my horn to say bye.

I pulled up home around 9:15pm. While I was walking into the house I could see clothes all over the floor and hear grunts and moans. I didn't know where they were in the house but I knew they were not in the room.

"Where ever you are please warn me because I do not want to see!" I shouted as I stood in the living room.

"We are in the kitchen!" Ryan shouted back and I could hear Anise laughing

"Ewwww we make food in there you know." I laughed

"Get your ass in your room. Your fucking up the orgasm that I was one stroke away from having!" Anise shouted back and I laughed.

I made my way in my room still laughing. I was use to Anise and Ryan fucking all over the house I was fine with it as long as they didn't use my bed. They went at it like animals I swear.

I made my way to my closet to pick out an outfit for work in the morning. That wasn't hard because I went shopping yesterday for sufficient clothes to last me a while. While I was looking for accessories to go with my outfit my phone rang.

"Hello? " I answered

"Hey baby girl, how you doing?"

"I'm good mommy, I miss you!"

"I miss you to darling, have you forgotten where me and your father live? We haven't seen you since graduation. Or do we only deserve three minute calls every other day? " My mom scold me.

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