Chapter 5

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When I awoke I still had a slight headache and I thanked God that the pounding had stopped. After a day like yesterday I prayed to God that I won't have another. I got up out of bed to go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth then head back to my room. On my way back I heard Ryan's snores from the the hall and I chuckled to myself. I really don't know how Anise deals with that but I applauded her.

I reached back to my room and began checking my phone and then I realized today was Saturday and I'm really looking forward to my date with Shawn. I'm so excited to spend time with him again. Over the last couple of days of my life it has been a series of ups and downs. First graduating college, meeting Shawn, having sexy with Corey then he dies a day later. Was this what the real world had to offer cause I don't think I'm ready yet.

Pushing back thoughts of Corey for awhile so I don't go in depression mode again I head to my closet. It's a small walk in closet with shoes and bags on one side and clothing on the other. I guess you can call me a 'fashionista' I had the latest everything my closet was stacked with Gucci, MK, Versace you named it and it was there even the Kardashian Collection. I had a bad shopping habit and being the only child and a daddy's girl may I add I had a black card that I could use as I saw fit.

I'm sitting on the floor in my closet rummaging through my stuff trying to find the perfect outfit to wear tonight. I came a cross a few dresses but nothing stood out to me. I was throwing things left, right and center looking.

"OWWW!" Anise said and I turned to see her with a shoe in her hand and skirt across her head.

"Sorry babe" I squealed laughing.

"Whate are you looking for? "

" I'm trying to find the perfect outfit to wear with Shawn tonight. " I sighed

" Where yall going? "

" I don't know. He won't tell me"

"Oh. What about that navy dress you bought to go with the shoes I got you? "

" Not first date ready." I said and Anise rolled her eyes. She always said I was the most annoying person to help find clothes for an event but I couldn't disagree more.

"Why am I setting myself up? You won't listen to me anyways. " she said resting her hands on her hips. "Besides I made breakfast. You better come before Ryan greedy ass eats all." then she walks out.

I stop my searching for awhile to join Anise and Ryan in the dinning room. They have already started eating when I join them.

"Morning Ry. "

" Morning Lils. "

Anise cooked up steam sausage with yellow grits and she sliced a piece of avocado pear on the side. I love my best friend for this, she will never let a nigga get hungry and I smirk at the thought. After breakfast I wash up everything and check the time.


So I decided to text Shawn.

*Morning handsome I hoped you slept well*

Seconds later I have a notification

*Morning beautiful, I did! I can't wait to see you later. Xo*

I blush at his response and then reply

*Me to*


It was now 4:45 pm and Shawn said he was coming at 6 and I have yet found the perfect outfit. I have already took a bath, fixed my hair and makeup and still did not have any thing to put on yet. Time was moving rather quickly and I was getting angry at myself. All these clothes and you think my picky ass couldn't find nothing.

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