Chapter 13

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I was pissed the fuck off. Out of all the Mel's in the world it had to be this bitch. Really??

"Shawn, I'm going home." I said after Melissa walked out the room.

"Yea, you better" she shouted from the other room.

"Mel would you shut up." Shawn shouted back.

"I can't be here while she is here." I told Shawn.

"Baby tell me what's wrong." he said with concerned eyes.

"She is what's wrong." I told him.

"I'm what's wrong?" Melissa snorted walking back in the room. "Your the dirty whore around here just fucking and having your way with people's property." she said.

"Really? ME? Your the the one that was suppose to be my friend but instead you was behind my back fucking with boyfriend." I shouted at her.

"Only because you was sleeping with mine?" she shouted.

'Her boyfriend. What the fuck is she talking about' I thought to myself.

"Who the fuck was your boyfriend?" I asked

"Typical whore. Don't remember who she sleeps with." she taunted me.

"Melissa" Shawn shouts through gritted teeth.

"Well it's true." she rolls her eyes and I stare at her ready to tear her head off. "OK, let me refresh little miss perfects memory." then she walks by the stairs takes a seat and cross her legs. "Junior year, you slept with Naldo behind my back and you knew I was in love with him."

"So you slept with my boyfriend because you thought I slept with Naldo? Bitch you and Naldo weren't even in a relationship but I did not sleep with him." I told her

"Liar, I saw you!" she spitted. Meanwhile Shawn is just standing there lost for words as he takes in our past.

"Saw me? Me and Naldo studied together a lot of times but that's it. Shit I didn't even know you to actually talked. I knew you liked him but that's it." I said.

Melissa then started arguing more and more on how I knew she was in love with Naldo and I took him from her. I was getting angrier and angrier by the second. I started to feel this sharp pain in my stomach and Shawn must have noticed my facial expression because he was by my side in no time.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked

"I don't knoooo." I screamed at the end when the pain got worst. Tears started to run down my face I was afraid for my baby.

"Mel call an ambulance now." he said

"She's just being dramatic." she snorted

"Mel call a fucking ambulance now she's pregnant!" he shouted

"For you?" she asked with disgust all in her voice

"Ahhh" I screamed then saw Mel run out the room.

"It's going to be alright baby." Shawn said as he held me in his arms. "Baby A and you are going to be fine. Don't worry. I love you." he whispered then kissed my forehead.

"I didn't notice she was pregnant." Mel said when she came back in the room.

This was an unusual pain and I just wanted it to stop. 'Please let my baby be ok. Please, please, please!' I chanted in the head

A few minutes later an ambulance was there and took me to the hospital. Shawn had called Dr. James to meet us there while we were on our way.

'Baby A please be OK for mommy I'm sorry if me raising my voice scared you. Lord please let my baby be OK.'

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