Chapter 11

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"I love you more than you will ever know. I cant go a day without thinking about you and I cant imagine a world without you. You are the first person I think of in the morning and the last I think of before I go to sleep. I pray for our love all the time and I thank the Lord that he has blessed me with you. I have loved you from we were 16 and I want to love you for the rest of my life. Anise Tianna Rolle, Will you marry me?" Anise spoke the words Ry did to her the night he proposed. He proposed to her at dinner in the middle of the restaurant, she described it as romantic.

"Awwww" I cooed. As we were sitting on the couch.

"I know right, Lily I literally can not stop smiling I've been on this cloud since then." Anise Said

"I'm so happy for you guys!" I said. Honestly I was happy for my best friend and Ry but I was depressed that she would be moving out. "Let me see the ring again." I said.

"BAM!" She said throwing her hand forward and wiggling the finger with ring was on. Then we both stared screaming and jumping up and down in excitement.

I cant believe that were growing up and are now adults. Anise is about to be somebody's wife and I was about somebody's mother. It all felt surreal at that time. I always wanted to be married before I had a kid but I wouldn't have it any other way. I was happy with the way my life was at that point. Pregnant, working and have the best boyfriend ever. What more could a girl like me ask for giving my situation. So I was at peace.


It was now two days before Christmas and I have gotten just about everybody a gift except for my baby. I was still stuck on what to get Shawn. What do you buy a man that can afford anything? I asked myself. I couldn't get lingerie and model for him because at 5 months pregnant I just wasn't sexy anymore. I though about getting him a helmet to match his new motorcycle because he has been giving that thing more attention than me over the last week.

I walked into 'Cycles' a local store and asked if they did customized helmets. I was so excited when the sales guy said yes, so I ordered a customized helmet for my big headed guy I know he's going to love it. I was told to pick it up the next morning.

This was me and Shawn's first Christmas together so I wasn't sure if he was into all of the seasonal stuff so I didn't pressure him into anything but on the other hand I loved Christmas. I arrived at his place around five in the evening because we decided to celebrate Christmas at his house since Anise was already practically living at Ry's.

"What's this?" I said amused walking into Shawn's place. He was slumped over into a box taking out Christmas decoration with this huge Christmas Tree in the middle of the foyer.

"TA-DA!" he smiled.

"Its so big!" I smiled.

"Only the best for our first Christmas together." he cooed while rapping his arms around me. At that point I was blushing and excited.

"Your the best" I said then kissed his lips.

"Oh, my mom and sisters are coming over for Christmas dinner."

"What? And your telling me this now!" I scolded him.

"Calm down, baby. They are going to love you and you don't have to worry about cooking for them I hired a chef for that day." I felt instantly calm when he said I didn't have to cook but still a bit nervous about meeting his mom.

"Does your mom know my situation?" I said looking down at my stomach. I was a bit uneasy about meeting her I didn't want her to judge me.

"Yes, she knows and shes happy to meet you." he said and kissed me hard causing me to forget about being afraid. "Now lets decorate this tree, yea?"

"Yea" I said and nod. I walked over to the box of decoration and screwed up my face in disgust. "Bae?"

"Yes baby?" he answered still picking through the stuff in the box.

"Where did you get these hideous stuff from?" I said and he laughed.

"Hey, these are antiques."

"Really babe?" I said holding up a green ornament that was broken and the paint was chipped off.

"OK, but could we at lease use the gold and red ones they are my favorite." he said and I agreed.

"OK, but we have to get some more. If we leave now we can catch 'Kelly's Home Goods'." I said and he grabbed his keys

We arrived back from 'Kelly's' and decorated the tree. By the time we were done putting on the lights and the ornaments my fat ass was tired at ready for bed. I took a seat on the end of the stairs while I watched Shawn put the finishing touches.

"Bae, Angel or Star?" Shawn asked.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Angel or Star for the top of the tree, babe"

"Oh.... Umm.... the Angel." I answered.

"You wanna put it on top?"

"How is my fat ass post to get up there again?" I asked and he laughed.

"I'll lift you up?"

"And what if you drop me?" I asked

"I won't." he said laughing

"Nah I'll past." I said walking into the kitchen.

"Suit yourself." he shouted behind me.

"mmm hmph..... You hungry?" I asked as I was about to make a tuna sandwich.

"Tuna?" he asked


"Yo ass soon look like a fish." he said still laughing

"Haha" I said dry. "Tuna doesn't make me sick and Baby A likes it, so you worry nigga."

"Yea, yea." he said then his phone started to ring. "It's my ma." he said answering it while I busied myself making sandwiches.

I went to the entertainment room and loaded a movie. Shawn hated when I picked the movies because I always pick some love sappy movie but I'll surprise him tonight and give him some action. So I loaded up 'Furious 7'.

"Lily" he shouted from where ever he was.

"Theatre" I shouted back and he walked in after a few seconds.

"Didn't see where you went." he said sitting on the side of me and biting into one of the sandwich.

"Yo ass gon be a fish too." I said laughing and he joined me.

"Thanks to you. Ma said she invited my cousin Mel over for dinner to. My aunt Shay died last year and mom didn't want her to spend Christmas alone."

"No problem, the more the merrier" I smiled

"Good" he said then kissed me.

"Let's watch the movie freshy." I laughed and hit his chest.

"But baby your so irresistible." he whined and I blushed.

"I know" I said being corky. "Movie" I said then he pressed play.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies, talking, playing and eating of course. At that point I was beginning to love him. It scared me because I thought I would never find love again.

It was about 1 am when Shawn woke me and carried me to bed. How he got my fat ass up them stairs and in the bed I don't know but I was glad he did. I snuggled next to him, kissed his chest and went right back to sleep.


Anise in the MM

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