Chapter 12

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*Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!*

That was the sound of my baby's heart beat over the monitor. Healthy as a horse Dr. James said.

"At this stage the baby will be able to hear you now. So you can talk and read to him or her."

"Dr. James I have been having conversations since I knew the baby was there" I laughed

"Thats ok... The baby legs are finally open today. Are you ready to know the sex?" she smiled and I look up to Shawn who smiled at me.

"Yes" I said happily

"Your having a girl" she said.

"I knew it" I smiled and Shawn kissed my forehead.

It was still awkward to have Shawn so involved in these life changing moments but I couldn't hold him back if I wanted. He insisted that he came to all my doctor appointments and he promised he'll be there during the birth. Truth is I loved that he was so interested and was giving me his time.

We walked out of the room and was sitting in Dr. James' personal office.

"Miss. Greene both you and your baby girl are healthy. So enjoy your Christmas tomorrow and have a happy new year. I will see you in January for another follow up."

"Thank you Dr. James and Merry Christmas." I said

"Merry Christmas Doc" Shawn said and we both walked out.


After my doctors visit I sent Shawn back to work although he insisted that we spend the rest of the day together but I had to pick up his gift and I had a surprise for him.

I had just pulled in Shawn's yard and was at the door opening it when a car pulled in the yard. A beautiful tall dark older lady around fifty with long brown hair walked out with two equally beautiful young girls behind her. This must be Mrs. Jolly, Sia and Sierra I said to myself.

"Lilly is that you darling?" The lady shouted from by the car.

I nodded then realized I was to far for her to see me. I was nervous all of a sudden the words bearly came out my mouth. "Yyyess mam".

She got her bag out the car and the girls did the same. They all were very beautiful. "Lilly" she smiled and leaned in to hug me.

"Mrs. Jolly?" I smiled

"Yes dear, in the flesh and these are my girls." she pointed.

"I'm so delighted to finally meet you all." I smiled and then it hit me we were still on the porch. I then continue opening the door and walked. "Make yourself at home." I said.

"So Lilly your living here now?" Mrs. Jolly questioned. She gets straight to the point I said to myself.

"No mam Shawn asked me to stay over during the holiday break so I won't be home alone. My best friend just got engaged and we live together but lately she's been spending a lot of time by Ryan that's her fiancée." I babbled on.

"That's fine sweetie." she said "Girls put our bags in the guess rooms" she said to Sia and Sierra.

"Yes mam." they said in unison.

"Excuse me one minute I'm going to put these stuff up." I said raising my hand so she can see the bags. I rest Shawn's gift under the tree and then proceeded upstairs.

I went to Shawn's bedroom and I hid my surprise in the back of his closet. 'That will be his New Years present' I told myself. My phone started to ring I looked at the caller ID and it was Shawn.

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