Chapter 2

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

I began to panic and tip toe towards the living room to peek through the window. When I look outside I see a black car parked in the drive way and then I hear the knocking again.

"WHO'S IT?" I shout trying to hide the fear in my voice.

"Its Corey. Open the fvcking door LILY!" When i hear his name i began to panic even more if that was even possible. Corey and I had broken up less than a year ago. He broke my heart and left for London to finish his Law degree less than a week later. Corey was the light of my world I wanted to marry him and have his children. He cheated on me with a mutual friend Melissa in her dorm room. I caught them in the act when i got a text from Melissa asking if she can use my Management 101 Book to finish her studies. That was the most devastating thing I had ever faced.

"Corey, what do you want?"

"I want you Lily!"

"No! Go away!" and i began to cry as old memories surface.

"Lily I'm sorry. I love you" I slowly open the door to this beautiful man who I once thought hang the moon in the sky. He looks at me with big black puppy dogs eyes and steps forward. He cups my face and I lean into his touch "I love you Lily. I've never stopped loving you." He smiles and wipes a tear from my eye with his thumb.

"Corey..." He cuts me short by crashing his lips into mine. We began to kiss and his tongue posses my mouth in only a way the Corey does. We begin to stepping back and sink into the couch with our lips never leaving each other. He's on top of me rubbing my legs with hand and holding my head with the other. He breaks away from the kiss and looks me deep in my eyes.

"I love you Lils."

We begin kissing again and it becomes more passionate this time. His hands slide to the hem of my shirt then he slowly raises it up over my head and we began to undress each her. He caresses my neck with his tongue and kisses it sending chills all through my body. I loved this man but not sure if I love him now but my body is aching and loving his touch. He slides in filling and stretching me in that delicious way I remember so well and missed so much. As our bodies rock together he is rubbing all my over me causing me to tighten around him reaching a sweet release. I scream out his name and he comes the same time resting his full body weight on me. We lay panting and hes holding me tight to his chest.

"Lils" he whispers.

"Yes" I whisper back.

"Thank you"


"Giving me a chance again"

"I'm not giving you a chance again"

"What?... but... we just..."

"I know but you really hurt me so I'm just calling this closure"

He frowns at me and I turn to look at him. As much as I once loved this man he and I can never go back to what we once were. I vowed to myself 3 months after our break up that I wouldn't allow another man to treat me the way he did.

"Lils, I took the first plane after my last exam and drove here straight from the airport just to see you and make you mine again. Is their someone else? "

I stared at him shocked this man who broke my heart and left for London is laying on the side of me feeding me this bullshxt. Not once over the time we were apart he called or even texted to see how I was doing. I was beginning to get angry and was regretting just having sex with him.

"Get out Corey. " I said calmly and he stared at me with a wounded look on his face. He opens his mouth to speak but I raise my hand and point to the door. He slowly raises and starts to dress himself and then leave.

When I glance and the time as Corey was closing the door it 5:45am and the sun was raising. So I get up lock the door, take a shower and lay down instantly falling to sleep.


When I wake up the sun is blazing through the blinds in my room and I roll over to check the time and it's 2:15 pm. I check my phone and I have 4 missed calls one from Anise, one from Corey and two from Shawn. I also notices a text from Shawn to.

*Good morning gorgeous I hope you slept well and give me call as soon as you can. Xo*

I smile at the text and then reply

*Good Afternoon now lol. I slept as good. What about you? *

I rest my phone down and head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I'm heading back to my room I hear someone clear there throat and I pitch. When I turn Anise is sitting on the couch laughing.

"Well, good afternoon sleepy head" she teases and I roll my eyes.

"Hey Nise" I smile.

"Somebody got some last night. I know that look" I swear I couldn't hide any thing from her especially not when it came to sex it's like her spidy senses tingle of something. "Was it good? Cause he looks like he can do some damage girl!" and she rolls her hips and I laugh.

"Well I did get some but it wasn't from Shawn. " and I cover my face playfully.

" Wtf! From who? "

" Corey" Anise looked at me like I grew another head. She opened her mouth a few time to speak but nothing came out and then finally she spoke.

"How the... Where?... I thought he was in London. " So I explained everything that happened to her. She was happy to know that I wasn't going back to Corey and he and I was water under the bridge. She was most excited to hear that I decided to give Shawn a chance and how sweet he was last night.

When I get back in my room I see I have another text from Shawn.

*I slept well baby. I was wondering if I can take you on a date Saturday night? Xo*

*Sure I'm looking forward to it*

*OK baby I promise you'll have the time of your life! Xo*

I started blushing at my phone thinking about Shawn and pushing all thoughts of Corey away. I know I don't know Shawn all to well but there's that something telling me to give this guy a chance. Today is Thursday and Saturday just couldn't come quick enough. I can't wait to see him again.

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