Chapter 5

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A couple days past since they went to the park and Alex was lonely. She wouldn't out right complain, but deep down she was crying her heart out. Liam told her ahead of time that he and Ashlynn were going to be spending more time together. He really wanted to get to know her. He was also working alot of hours at his two jobs. He worked in an office building, but he also had a second job working in a nursing home for people who had no family. It was fully state operated.

Tonight Alex was sitting on her couch reading Pride and Prejudice. One of her favorites. Her grandmother used to read it to her all the time. Telling Alex she was just like 'Miss Elizabeth Bennet.' How one day she'd find her other half. She found her other half, but he thought she was a man and was in the process of falling in love with another woman. A woman that sent chills down her spine.

She was close to falling asleep, so she put her tea cup down and put her book on the side of the sofa and decided she'd like to take a small nap and than maybe later. She herself would go for a jog. When she was jogging it was as if the world slowly disappeared and she had no worries. She was free.

Alex was awaked a couple hours later, by sounds from outside her apartment door. She got off her couch to inspect what the sounds were. When she opened her door, Liam was stumbling with keys in his hand and was at the wrong door. She could smell the beers hops from where she stood. Liam looked up at her confused and than looked down both sides of the hallway confused before speaking.

"Alex what you doing in my apartment?" Liam slurred. Yep he was drunk Alex thought grimly.

"What are you doing Liam? Why are you drunk?" Alex opened her door and looked at him as if he'd grown a second head.

"Ugh! Just too much going on. Ashlynn tried to make me ask her to by girlfriend and I told her in due time. I didn't want to be pressured. I wont be pressured by anyone, especially not her." Liam slurred answering Alex's question.

"Um. Come on in. You can sleep on my couch for now." Alex moved out of the way leading to the living room, but when she turned around Liam was headed to her bedroom. By the time she got to him he fell face first in to her bed. Passed out cold.

Alex let out a small huff, but when she looked at his sleeping form he was so very handsome. He looked truly at peace. Something she'd never really seem before. He looked like an angel. In Alex's eye Liam could create a massacre, but to her he'd always be her angel; even if he didn't know it.

Alex decided now was a good time to head out for that jog, because if she stayed here any longer she'd join him in her bed. She'd rest her head on his broad chest. Wrap her arms around his chiseled abs. Okay. Stop Alex. Jog!

Alex left the apartment. She put her ID and Key in her shoe. She cought a cab and had him drop her off at 'The Park.' Once she arrived she did as Liam instructed. Stand up straight, put your arms out straight and than bend over and try to touch your toes. She didn't want to get hurt or get a cramp out here all alone. She'd forgotten her cell phone at home today and hoped she wouldn't regret it. She took off a slow pace jog.

Meanwhile at Alex's apartment.

Liam was so comfortable. The bed smelt like Lilis and Lavender. His bed never smelt this good. He groaned and turned over when he heard a cellphone beeping non-stop. He took his phone from his pocket, it wasn't his.

"Alex get your damn phone man. I'm trying to sleep!" Liam yelled agitated. He was still intoxicated, but aware of his surroundings. When Alex didn't respond Liam got concerned and dragged his heavy body from the bed and went in search of him. Liam looked through the whole place, Alex must have gone out. He shrugged his shoulders and headed back to Alex's comfortable bed, when the damn beep started up again.

He entered Alex's bedroom and than headed to the bathroom. Alex must have left his cellphone in the bathroom. Ugh. When he retrieved the phone. He couldn't help his own curiosity. The phone had 2 new messages and both were from someone named Christopher. Liam saw Alex had several from 'Christopher' and decided to read the older message, that way Alex didn't know. Alex never spoke of 'Christopher' before and his curiosity was getting the better of him.

'What the fuck do you mean you don't want to see me! Fine fuck you!'

'You shouldn't be in the city all alone. How about I come visit you? xox Chris'

'Alex baby. I miss you! I'm sorry! Come back to me I love you! xox Chris'

'Alex I love you. You know I didn't mean to hit you. I love you. Chris'

'Alex stop your shit and answer my calls. I wont tell you again. Chris'

Liam couldn't read anymore. He was shocked, pissed and angry all at the same time. Why would Alex lie about not being gay. Why would Alex lie to him of all people. Oh, He must still think I'll judge him, since he is my friend and not my brother. Damn I tried to set him up with a woman. No wonder he was so depressed.

Liam's thought were full of anger, especially with the fact that this 'Chris' person actually hit his Alex. Whoa. His Alex. No. No. No. I meant Alex. Alex was like a lost puppy and needed guidance was all. Alex couldn't hurt a fly and the fact that this guy his Alex knowing Alex wouldn't fight back, pissed him off. Liam was getting a headache and set the phone back on the sink and crawled back in Alex's bed.

His mind completely on Alex. Alex never wanted to talk about his past and it always pissed Liam off, but after reading those texts he couldn't blame him. He'd not want to talk about it either, but that couldn't be helpful. Alex must be hurting inside and hiding it. He needed to get Alex to open up. He needed to make a full proof plan and than set it into action.

A short time later after Liam fell back to sleep Alex came home. Her clothes filled with sweat. She went to her kitchen and turned the faucet on, she put her head down and her mouth to the stream of cold water. She drank it greedily. She earned it. She spent close to three hours alone. Jogging and forgetting the entire world. She could finally understand Liam when he said exercise was enlightening. She also knew she needed to limit her exercise. Over exercising was bad for you as well. Liam told her over exercising and under exercising were both bad. She needed to find her in-between. Three hours was overkill for her.

Her heart was still rapidly beating when all of a sudden someone put their hand on her shoulder. She screamed and jumped. When she turned around it was Liam and he was laughing hysterically. She put her hand over her heart. Trying to take deep breathes. She didn't even hear him enter the kitchen.

"Stop laughing you ass! It wasn't funny!" Alex said angrily.

"You....You....You screamed like a little girl!" Liam said still in hysterics.

"Damn it why am I friends with you again." Alex said sarcastically.

"Simple, because I am awesome!" Liam said, smiling. His smile faltered slightly and he forced it. He handed Alex his cellphone. He wanted to see Alex's reaction to the messages.

"Oh, Your phones been beeping for a while. I was going to answer it, but than I didn't. I didn't want you to get mad at me for invading your space." Liam said convincingly. With a shrug of his shoulders. He watched Alex's shoulders tense when Alex took the phone.

Alex face was a bit paler than it was when he read the message. Liam wanted to take the phone and read them himself, but in due time he told himself. He was going to help him. Friends help friends and Alex was his friend.

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