Chapter 8

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Many hours later Alex woke up with one hell of a headache and swollen eyes. The apartment was quiet so she assumed that they left. She felt terrible for crying like that on Chase. No one ever needed to see her sob the way she had. Her heart weighed down even more knowing she inconvenienced him.

She scooted to the foot of her and and almost immediately her bed room door burst open. Scaring the hell out of her, Alex yelped in surprise. In the door way was a very ragged looking Sarah. The woman looked tired and tense. Sarah rushed over to the edge of the beg and enveloped Alex in a very tight hug.

"Well hello to you Sarah." Alex said teasingly.

"Don't you hello me Alex! I was worried shitless over you!" Sarah whined, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

"I'm sorry for crying like that last night." Alex said ashamed of her behavior.

"Last night! You've been out over 2 days! I was about to call the popo baby doll!" Sarah said with her hands flailing about.

"2 Days!?" Alex said her jaw slack and her mind blank.

"Yes 2 days. That's what you get for drinking the way you did. Your lucky your still alive." Sarah said crossing her arms over her chest looking angrily at Alex. Alex's eyes began to water and Sarah's eyes softened a little bit.

"Talk to me Alex. What happened?" Sarah pleaded not only with her words, but also with her eyes.

"I don't really know. I just kind of lost it last night. I'm just so lost right now." Alex said sitting down on her sofa, pulling her legs underneath herself. Her mind in chaos and her heart is numb.

"Alex. Talk to me. I am a woman as well. I may like woman and you may like men, but inside we are the same. I might be able to help you if you talk to me. Is it everything that's doing this to you?" Sarah asked sitting next to Alex, putting her hand on Alex's shoulder to comfort her.

"I think so. I mean everything from my past and everything right now is too much. I can't take it anymore Sarah. I can't tak..." Alex said and began to sob.

Sarah could tell she hadn't cried in so long and now it seemed the poor girl was finally to her breaking point and needed to let it all out. Sarah pulled the sobbing Alex in her arms and held her until her tears subsided.

"Now that you stopped crying. Tell me something about your past that is bothering you. The longer you hold it in, the more pain you'll be in, in the future." Sarah cooed, trying to get Alex to open up.

"I am not sure what I can say. I just. I mean. What do you want to know? I can try?" Alex said shifting, she was nervous and afraid to talk of her past. Shifting away from Alex.

"Tell me why your here in the city and not with your family to start or why don't you tell me about you ex-fiance?" Sarah said quietly, holding Alex's hand to comfort her.

"Um. My ex-fi...fiance was named Christopher. I met him when I was 16 and he was 17. We started off as friends. He always acted like he liked me. It was when I turned 17 he asked me out and I agreed. I thought he was wonderful and if he was as good as a boyfriend as he was my friend we'd be great together. I wasn't as big as I am now either. He seemed so perfect! He told me he loved me. We got engaged when I turned 19. I kept putting the wedding off until I finished college. I promised my father I would finish college before I got married. I finished college last year. I did 4 years all together, I never finished my design classes. I loved to learn. " Alex paused to calm herself down some so that she could explain her relationship to Sarah.

Alex felt slightly better telling Sarah. Sarah held her hand tighter, letting Alex know she was here for her when she was ready to continue. Sarah was stunned Alex was actually talking about her ex-fiance with her. Sarah decided not to say a word, so as to not make Alex think she was being forced to talk, she wanted Alex to want to talk.

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