Chapter 22

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Two days later Alex was released from the hospital. Liam keeping his word to Dr. Damon and to Alex. He moved into Alex's apartment. He hardly slept. The slightest of sound Liam was out of bed to investigate. Many times he'd find Alex out of bed. He'd scold her and put her back to bed. Alex was becoming restless. She hated that she was to weak to do much else. She wanted to walk around, move around and shop for baby clothes with Laura. Alex was 19 weeks pregnant now and she was definitely showing. Her skinny form showing off her proud baby bump.

Liam decided today was the day he'd tell Alex his full past. He feared she'd reject him and his love. He needs to man up and just confront his demons like he did on the front line. Liam has never been this scared before. 'What will I do if she doesn't want to be with me?' many questions in his mind bouncing around. Liam was oblivious to Alex walking out to sun bathe. Liam got up and headed for Alex's bedroom. When he knocked and entered she was not there, he frantically searched the apartment for her, but the moment he realized it was day time and from what Aiden told him Alex loved to sun bathe.

Liam went to the sun room to see Alex laying in a thin sundress just soaking up the sun. She looked breathtaking even thought she was far too thin. He'd make sure she was a healthy weight soon.

"Alex can we talk for a bit inside?" Liam asked quietly fear lacing his voice. Making Alex tense and think the worst.

"S...sure.... Liam." Alex said cautiously.

Liam smiled and held his hand out for Alex to take and she did. Her hands so small. How had he never had noticed before. Alex had always had small hands. He was just too damned blind to see thought her facade, unlike Chase and Sarah had. They walked inside together holding hands.

"Alex have a seat, I just need to tell you a few things and we can go from there. Alright?" Liam spoke softly, hoping to not frighten her.

"Liam what's going on?" Alex said still standing. She was afraid to sit down. She was afraid he was going to leave her. That she was far too much of a burden to him and Chase.

"Alex, Please sit. This wont take long I hope. I just need to clue you in on about who I am. Who I really am...." Liam said sure of himself.

Alex sat down next to Liam and gently took his much larger hands in to hers. She sat patiently for him to gather his thoughts, all the while still preparing for the worst. Alex was unknowingly holding her breath.

"Well you know a bit about me, but no where near everything. I like you grew up with and around money. MacGregory Security is my fathers and I's firm. Chase and I are well sought after bachelor's, but Chase being gay women can't get to him. We started the firm when I was 15, but by the time I was 18 I had, had enough and joined the military..."Liam said with a shaky voice, taking in a big breath waiting to gage her reaction.

Alex gasped and started at him as if he had grown a third eye. She knew of the MacGregory Security. She used they all the time with her business'. They were loyal and trust worthy. What Alex couldn't grasp was the fact Liam was in the military.

"Continue" Alex spoke in a whisper.

"Like I said when I was 18 I joined the military. I was in from 18-24. Marines to be exact. I've done terrible things. Things you'd never agree with to survive on the front Alex. I guess I just need you to know if things are to progress with us. I love you and need you like air in my lungs, but if my past is really that unforgivable to you than I'll leave you alone...." Liam started rambling. Alex did the only thing she could to shut him up. She leaned over and kissed him with all her worth. He immediately shut up and kissed her back, all the while bringing her into his lap.

She hesitantly pulled away breathlessly and looked at him. Speaking calmly and clearly so he understood fully where they stand.

"Liam that's your past. This is your present. It's not like your a violent person right? Me and the baby need you like you need us." Alex said matter of fact.

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