Chapter 13

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A week after visiting her fathers grave and going to see the sights they used to go to together. Alex was walking on the shore when she spotted her family. They looked so happy. They looked like a real family. They hadn't even recognized her. To them she was a stranger anyhow. She watched as Chris rubbed his hand on Rebecca's swollen belly. They've been married for several months now, it's not a surprise she's pregnant. With Rebecca being 27 it was surprising she hadn't married and had children long ago, but than again she was with Chris behind Alex's back.

They all looked so happy and Alex couldn't help, but resent them. They all had ruined her childhood and they all got to be happy. She on the other hand got the short end of the stick. No matter how hard she had tried to fit in with her family she was never enough.

She turned her back and decided this was the last time she'd see them. For her, her family was back in the city. Chase, Sarah and Liam, even if he hated her. She still loved him and would watch out for him. She would take care of her family.

She decided now was a good time to head home. Her mind was clear and she wasn't as depressed as she was, she was still deeply depressed, but she'd over come it or work through it. Her mind kept wandering about the people home. How were Aiden and the kids. Did they like the new apartment. She had been pushing her feelings away, but now she felt was missing them. That evening she hopped on a train and headed home. She took a taxi from the train station to the back of her building. She paid her driver and got out.

She went inside and went to the lift. The back of the building had a elevator which was called a lift. IT was used for employees and maintenance, but since she owned the building she was free to use it as she liked. She went to the 3nd floor to stop and see Aiden and the children. She spent about an hour with them. The children really liked her. She told them she'd visit soon, before she headed to the 5th floor; her floor.

When she got off. She was speechless. The walls were all a pale pink. The floor was split in 2 large sections and a small section. The the left of the steps was a plexi glass wall with exercise equipment behind it. It also had been sound proofed for the build in stereo system. Right after you come up from the steps in a , resting area with a water fountain, the wall to the outside was all glass it was like a sun room. Than to the right of the steps was a large wall blocking the view. That was her apartment. Her stomach all of a sudden felt queazy. She straightened her back and unlocked the door. When she entered her eyes bulged. It was much nicer than she ever could have imagined. The walls were an off while, while pale pink border. The furniture was all natural woods and the colors were magnificent.

All of a sudden she burst into tears. It was over whelming everything was amazing. They even hung her pictures for her. Almost exactly like she had them in her apartment. They really went all out. They made the beds in the apartment. Put her clothing away, hung up her clothes. Hung the curtains she picked for each room. Hell they even picked the perfect shade of carpeting for each room. She had forgotten to pick before she left.

She felt so blessed, yes she paid for them to do the construction, but not the cleaning and tiding up. They must have really appreciated the bonus she gave them. Hell they even left her a thank you note.

'Thank you for your business, but we all thank you for the bonus you gave each and everyone of us. We hope you like what we did for you. Also, no man touched your clothes. We had help from the little girl on the 3rd floor. She put your clothes away. Apparently you helped her family as well. Your a really good woman Miss Stone. God Bless You.'

Alex was sobbing at this point. She knew they would appreciate it, but not to this extent. They went above and beyond. She was proud of them. She gave them a wonderful review and allowed them to take photos for their flyers. She was a very satisfied customer.

Alex spent the next three weeks rearranging her nick nacks. She was moving the little things. Slowly everything was getting a proper home. Her apartment was no longer an apartment. It was infact a home. She never called her apartment home because it didn't feel cozy like a home. Alex was always keeping busy.

In the three weeks she was eating very little, she only ate when she felt hungry. Otherwise she'd drink some water and carry on. Alex was determined to finish everything before the month was out. She loved going shopping for new linens and nick nacks. She spent her afternoons shopping on the avenue and watching others interact. It eased her loneliness quite a bit. She found herself smiling little by little.

Alex was still very sad and missed Liam, but she refused to dwell on it. She kept herself busy. Three days out the week she's watch Aiden's children Laura and Mitch. The children were well behaved, they kept her company. They even helped her with painting designs on her spare room walls. She used bright colors. The children had a blast and so did she.

Alex was made a Crockpot Pot Roast. She made enough so that the children wouldn't be hungry. They loved her cooking, she was an exceptional cook. Anything she made homemade they devoured. She had already made the picture of tea when she started to feel dizzy.

Before she made it out of the kitchen she fainted. When Aiden arrived with the children and knocked, Alex didn't answer. He got concerned. He tested the door knob and it was unlocked. He let himself in with the children and went to the kitchen, it was where Alex usually was when they arrived.

In the door way of the kitchen Alex was on the floor unconscious. The children rushed to Alex and Aiden went to her land line and called emergency medical services. Laura was crying and Mitch was trying to shake the unconscious Alex.

When Alex woke up her sight was blurry and she heard a constant beeping. She was confused. Her body felt heavy, like lead. Slowly her sight focused and she seen she was in the hospital. Next to her on the chair was none other than Laura, Aiden's daughter.

"Laura honey." Alex whispered barely audible. Her throat was dry and scratchy.

"Aunt Alex! Your awake!" Laura said jumping from her chair. She may have been 15, but the girl was weeping like a child. Laura's mother abandoned them and Laura took to Alex like an aunt ot sister, She wrapped her arms around Alex and wept into her shoulder.

"What happened and why are you here?" Alex asked confused, patting Laura's back in a comforting gesture.

"When we got in to your apartment you were on the floor in the doorway to the kitchen. Dad called the medics and you've been out for like 4 hours. I was closed to you than them, so dad let me stay with you. Oh, I thought you were dead Alex! Dad took Mitch home because dad has to work tonight and can't miss anytime right now. Dad was worried about you. He said that you were like a little sister to him." Laura said still weeping.

"Oh Laura. Calm down honey. I'm right here. I must have over did it is all. Shhh." Alex said cooing to the weeping Laura in her arms.

Alex and Laura were both brought out of their moment when a knock came to the door. A Male doctor walked in with a clip board in his hand. He looked like her deceased grandfather Malcolm. He looked kind and gentle.

"Miss Stone. Ah, I am glad to see your awake. I am Dr. Damon Marshall. Call me Damon dear. When you were brought in we ran several tests. Um. Miss would mind giving me a moment with Miss Stone." Dr. Damon asked politely.

"Doctor she can stay if she'd like. As long as she doesn't repeat anything, everything is fine right?" Alex asked politely, with a small smile.

"I wont repeat anything I promise Alex!" Laura spoken confidently. She was trusted and honest.

"Alright than Miss. Stone. When you were brought in we ran some tests. The results were a bit complex dear. Your dehydrated, your not eating enough. Also, your pregnant." Dr.Damon said slowly as to let this information set in.

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